Chapter 51: Date

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Astrids pov

As the sun rose, a smile graced my face, today was my date with Hiccup. Snotlout however was being very protective over me since Hiccup returned, but I have a feeling he's going to do something extremely stupid and reckless, which doesn't surprise me one bit. As I braided my hair, I actually took my time trying to look good, once I was satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my axe and grabbed a quick bite of food, and headed outside to be greeted by Hiccup on top of Toothless, he wore black leather armor and he had black arm braces and arm cuffs, and I noticed he had some braids in his hair, they looked good on him.

Hiccup smiled at me and slid off Toothless, and we gave each other a warm embrace.
"Morning milady." He mumbled in my ear, I smiled and nuzzled my face in his chest, listening to his heart beating. "Morning dragon boy." I said teasingly, we pulled apart and he chuckled, so did Toothless, obviously both of the boys thought that's a good nickname.

He climbed back on Toothless, he extended his hand out for me, I smiled and grabbed it, and he hoisted me up with ease, I was still shocked by how much Hiccup had changed, I would've still liked him if he wasn't a warrior, but since he is that makes him a lot more interesting and hotter.

Yeah, the last fifteen years have been VERY good to him, the other day myself and the girls were watching him train... shirtless, and his body wasn't just supporting lean muscle, but his body had scars and tattoos. The tattoos were a very beautiful design and his scars ran down his back, torso, and pecs.

I nearly died of embarrassment we he caught me staring, he smirked and winked at me. As I broke out of my thoughts, I wrapped my arms around Hiccups torso and rested my chin on his shoulder, we've been peacefully flying for about fifteen minutes now, and this was as good as I remembered it, the first time I experienced a dragon ride was when Hiccup had surprisingly become too good at dragon training. I scoffed at those thoughts, back when I was a jealous girl of Hiccup achieving greatness even than. Hiccup turned his head around, obviously hearing my scoff.

"You ok?" He asked, our eyes meeting, I smiled and kissed his cheek for reassurance.
"I'm fine, I just remembered the last time I enjoyed a ride like this was when I finally realized how amazing you really were and that dragons are loyal, kind and spectacular." He smiled and continued steering Toothless.

As mid days son rose, we landed on an island with nothing but grassland and a field of flowers, and we were next to a lake, with a waterfall, the water looked amazing.
Hopefully we can go swimming. I saw Hiccup unload what looked like our lunch.

We started a fire and he started cooking our food, the smell was incredible, he mixed together spices, meats and potatoes in the pot hovering above the fire."Alright, hope you're hungry, because this is one of my best dishes I can cook." Hiccup said, he grabbed  a ladle and poured a bowl for me and himself, he poured out a basket full of fish for Toothless, who dove his face in. Once I took my first bite of the soup, my mouth exploded with flavors and the meat and potatoes were cooked just right and the spices made it even better.

"My god Hiccup, this is SO yum." I smiled while swallowing the soup, he smirked and took his own bite and his eyes rolled back, I laughed at his expression. "This is nothing, I can make us something even better, but we don't have the supplies with us, next time though.

"So Astrid, how's life treated you these last fifteen years?" He asked, I paused and I looked into his eyes, I've felt so much pain and anger over the years, the only thing from making me lose my mind were my friends and family, and now that Hiccup is right in front of me, he makes me feel complete, I can't lose him again.
"Hiccup, life hasn't been the same in your absence, Alvin had united almost every tribe that hates us as one to destroy us all, but thanks to you and your army, you've wiped them all out, thanks by the way." I said while smiling warmly at him, he nods and smiles back, I continued telling him my story.

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