Chapter 7: Never forget him

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Normal pov

It's been a year since the disappearance of Berks heir, much has changed since than.
The dragon raids seemed to have stopped over night and every one celebrated for a full week. The village has grown in population, more houses then ever, enough food to last harsher winters, and enough weapons to be prepared for any attack. And as an added bonus, Berk, the Meathead and Bog Burglar tribes have been willing to aid each other, thus creating a strong alliance with each other.

While everyone seemed to have been relieved from the dragon raids, some in Berk will never be the same again.

Chief Stoick, was still burdened that his son left his home and title behind, but he understood his sons reason for leaving, the village had treated him very unfairly and he wasn't the father he was supposed to be.

But the chief was not himself. He barely showed up to his duties, he didn't talk to anyone...Gobber tried so hard to get his friend to talk to him but was met with only silence every time he tried. Everyone became worried for him. Some of the villagers tried to say that it was for the better that Hiccup had left. But Stoick's mood still didn't budge. Some would suspect that he would be like this for a while.
Stoick vowed if Hiccup ever returned he'd beg him for his forgiveness and to give him a second chance to prove he can be a good father.

Gobber missed the boy, he wasn't just his forge apprentice, but the scrawny heir was like a son to the old smith.

Forge work was very slow at first, but Gobber had another apprentice named Gustav Larson, the lad reminded him of Hiccup, but the smith had to accept the facts that the lost heir wouldn't come back, probably never to return, some things just can't be replaced. Snotlout could care less that his twig of a cousin was gone, in fact he was over joyed that his cousin disappeared. The Jorgenson boy was now receiving the title of heir, since the Jorgenson clan are cousins to the Haddocks.
Half of Berk shrugged off the fact that Hiccup disappeared and the other half felt bad that they treated the boy unfairly and how their chief lost the last of his family.

For a certain blonde shield maiden though, she was taking Hiccups disappearance hard.
Astrid was aware that the raids stopped as did all of Berk, but the villagers believed it a blessing from the gods. But Astrid knew better. She was relieved that the raids were now over.

And yet...

She feared that Hiccup and Toothless had perished to the Red Death.
She wanted to believe the duo lived, but still, she had her doubts.

Astrids pov

I woke up around sunrise, and started my training in the woods. My dreams have caused me to be vexed.

I hacked every tree around me, hoping it would ease my worries, but it didn't.

After a while I sat down and felt the cool morning breeze, caressing and cooling my body from training. I looked out over the horizon and wondered if Hiccup had survived, where he was and what he's doing.

I still felt terrible for not realizing how amazing he was even before he met Toothless, I just stood there and watched as he was beaten down on and rejected, I feared to help him because I didn't want to taint my own reputation, but oh how I regret it now.

Who am I kidding, Hiccup will probably never return to Berk, we've all wronged him in some way, everyone except Gobber and Gothi, but we all stand guilty for rejecting our heir.

Oh no.

Hiccup was heir to Berk.

Now that he's gone, that title now lands on...


I shudder in disgust at the thought, he's arrogant, an idiot, and will most likely make foolish demands of everyone now that he's heir.

I scream in rage and hack at trees once more, imagining that every tree is Snotlout and is smug little face asking me for my hand in marriage. I'd rather be shark bait than marry that preening shit.

I let out a frustrated groan and walked back to the village, with my thoughts keeping me company. As I my way to the center of the village, I saw everyone already up and about, selling foods, pelts and other goods.
I saw Gobber and that new apprentice of his Gustav sharpening weapons.

I almost laughed.

It's so ironic that Gustav reminds me of Hiccup, a clutz, crazy, can't take orders, and open minded.

But those two are very different. "What's up Astrid?" I look behind me and smile, I see Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut walk up to me.
"Hey guys, not much, just got back from training and was thinking about getting my axe sharpened." The three looked at me with worried eyes, they knew that getting my weapon sharpened would remind me of Hiccup.

"You miss him don't you?"

I didn't need to answer, they already knew my answer. I nodded in response.
"Ugh, life just got a little more boring without Hiccup here-" Tuffnut groaned, but before he could continue, Ruffnut punched her dim witted brother in the arm, he yelped in surprise.
"Don't say anything to piss her off bro, or she'll probably bury you alive or part you from your cock." She said in a warning tone. Tuffnut just nodded and rubbed were he got punched.

Normal pov

As the day began to end, Astrid came home, exhausted from training, doing chores, and thinking of Hiccup. When she entered the her house her parents were waiting for her, both of them smiling at her. Astrids interest was piqued, she raised an eyebrow wondering why her parents were this happy. "We have wonderful news Astrid." her mother Freyja said.

Astrid laid eyes on her fathers hand which was on her mothers belly. Then it hit her. "Your pregnant?" Both father and mother smiled from ear to ear and nodded. "You're going to be sister Astrid," her father Garth said with pure joy laced in his voice.

Astrid gasped and wrapped her arms around her parents, proud of them for showing their love for each other and happy that she's be a big sister.

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