Chapter 70: Legends

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In time, man would soon heal, the Middle Eastern empires would prosper until all their dreams, ambitions and riches would be swallowed up by the sands of time. Darius would fall at the hands of an Athenian warrior at the battle of Marathon, in his place, his son Xerxes would be king of Persia and would be tasked in ruling over one the most powerful empires on earth.

Sinbad and his crew continued to serve the Persian people, their services in return for coin to purchase their needs and desires, he's become one of the wealthiest pirates to ever sail the seven seas, he's even given his riches to those who're in need, earning him the nickname 'The Giver' though he does steal sometimes, he and his crew use their services to aid others so they can get paid.

Amam, the inquisitors and the Persian army would return to their home and would be showered with praise, wealth and laurels, heroes to be remembered throughout the ages. Yet they did not forget Hiccup, they built a statue in Persia and every province to honor the courageous young man who led the finest warriors on earth and led them to foreign soil and fought a foe obsessed with vengeance, yet the road to vengeance is portrayed as a fools gambit, and in the Djinns case? It led to their demise.

Hiccup and Toothless were even worshiped as demigods in the Middle East, believing that they only could vanquish all evil, and they had, they had delivered mankind into peace and prosperity.

In time, fate will determine how the worlds mightiest empires will decide to leave their stories for future generations to understand and learn.

The Roman Empire had lost not only many of its citizens but much of its military might as well, in dealing with not only the Djinn before their end but also bringing an end to the rebel Spartacus and his army of slaves, though Rome would take many years recovering from its loses until it would fade and crumble.

On Berk though, Fishlegs and Heather had begun making a family, Heather was pregnant and Fishlegs was the head of dragon knowledge to teach to the future generations of Berk.
Ruffnut and Eret have still been dating and have been helping the hunters on the island gather wild game to bring back to the village.
Tuffnut and Rain are to be married soon, and the two can hardly wait for that day to come.
Snotlout was the in charge of managing all of Berks weapons from the standard sword, axe, spear and clubs to explosives, bolas and so on.

Stoick and Valka have grown in their relationship and have closed the gap between the time lost between them. Toothless and Blue have had many hatchlings together and are slowly rebuilding the Night Fury species, a noble effort, yet its progress is bearing fruit.

As for Hiccup Haddock himself? The man was the happiest he's ever been, married to the girl of his dreams, his son Finnick and his newly born daughter Asta, her birth was successful and she was healthy and strong. He'd never believe his life had taken such a turn, since the day he bonded with Toothless in the cove, he knew his life was going to change and definitely for the better.

Many more years would pass and Hiccup and Astrid would have eight more children to expand the Haddock bloodline and Finnick, being the oldest would take his fathers place as chief just as Hiccup had taken Stoicks place as the chief of Berk.

Time would continue and Hiccup and all the deeds he'd accomplish would be etched in stone, immortalized in history.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was wronged, beaten, scorned, rejected and humiliated. And yet fate had set him down a path no one could ever see him doing, let alone completing. He became stronger and wiser, he was molded in flames, forged into a living weapon to vanquish an ancient evil off the face of the earth. And he had completed his task.


Hiccup has passed on his legacy to his children so that they'd tell their children and many more for the centuries to come.
Death comes to us all, and it comes like a thief, we never know how or when it'll happen, yet a great man has fallen. The great chief and his divine beauty live on in the afterlife.

"Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother, my brothers and sisters of the sword. Lo there do I see the line of people back to the beginning. Lo there do they call me. They bid me to take my place among them. In the Halls of Valhalla! Where the brave may live forever."


Authors note:
I just wanted to thank every single one of you who took time to read my story, obviously this is my first story on Wattpad and I'd like your feedback, did you like it? If so be sure to add it to your library and vote for it. I'll still be updating little mistakes and possibly add more content into the story so that you guys will continue to read the story.
Thanks everyone.

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