Chapter 31: Sinbad

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After the great festival, it came time in the Persian empire where the provinces are struck by famine, leaving many to go to extremes to receive food. Persias grain holdings were at an all time low, and with famine around the corner, the provinces would starve the coming days.Fortunately in these times of crisis, Darius has hired a certain sailor to aid the empire during these harsh times.

That sailor is Sinbad, once an infamous thief on the seas, yet recently he'd just returned the Book of Peace to Syracuse after being framed by the goddess Eris.

Sinbad and his crew would deal with business to receive enough grain to offer Persia to prevent the empire from an epidemic of hunger. And in return they'd be rewarded enough coin to retire.

Yet now the conditions to grow food have been a disaster, the people have been saving the food they have to brace themselves for the famine ahead.

Darius himself has even ordered his acolytes to give portions of the royal grain to his people to hold out until shipments of grain could be delivered.

Sinbads pov

Ah, Persia, one of the the most beautiful and deadliest places to be on this earth. The night air was sweet, leaving soft breezes caressing my hot skin from manning my ship. Me and my crew had just now entered the ports and were introduced by a man who appeared to be eighteen years of age, with auburn hair, sporting a small beard on his face and though he wasn't that big, he had lean muscle.

"So, you're the infamous Sinbad Darius has told me so much about." The man said, as he looked at me from head to toe.

"That's right, and you are?" I asked with curiosity. He chuckled and began leaving the ports, so I motioned for me and my crew to follow.

"I'm Darius new generation of warrior, I am the Imperial Inquisitor of Persia." He said with pride. I looked at Kale, my second in command and he shrugged at me. "Apologies Inquisitor...I never got your name." I said, honestly part of me wanted to know this guy a little more.

He turned his head back and I saw his green eyes, as if they were piercing my very soul.
"Hiccup Haddock III, that's my name."
As soon as he said his name, my crew burst out laughing. What mother would name their child Hiccup? Kale and I were trying to hold back our own laugh, I looked up at him, he didn't look offended at all.

"I'm not from Persia, I'm from the Barbaric Archipelago." Hiccup said. The crew immediately stopped laughing and murmured among themselves.

Kale finally spoke.

"You're a Viking? You're far from your home my friend." The crew nodded and spoke words of agreement. Hiccup scoffed. "I was never a Viking anyway, my village was Berk, and they treated like a damn plague, and I was the heir of that tribe as well." He spoke with fury rising in his voice.

My facial expressions dropped, I can understand wanting to leave if I were in his shoes. He shook his head and turned back toward us. "Come, let us see Darius and begin our business." With that said we made our way to Darius's throne room.

When we entered we greeted the fair king.
"Sinbad, come our situation is most dire, my sources claim that the famine will arrive within weeks, and we haven't enough grain to sustain our empire from a nation wide epidemic, please, bring us back as much food and grain as you and your crew can carry, succeed and I'll triple you and your crew members pay."

Triple pay?

My crew looked at me for the go ahead, with that much coin, we'd be set.
"We are yours to use great king Darius, we shall carry as much grain and food to our ship and return to deliver you and your people from hunger." I said. Darius nodded and told me that he'd be sending Hiccup with us to ensure that we arrive back on schedule, which was understandable. With that being said we got back to the ship, Marina and Spike were on deck waiting for our return.

She came up to me with concern in her eyes.
"That bad huh?" She could tell that the situation was dire, so I nodded.
"It's bad yes, but Darius is going to triple our pay if we get the job done." I said with excitement. Her eyes widen, this kind of life is still fairly new to her so I couldn't help but laugh at her facial expression.

"Well than, captain, let's get this job done right, hmm?" She said seductively and pulled me in for a kiss, which I returned.
We suddenly heard a screech in the sky and our rocked back and forth and when we looked to see what it was all our mouths were hung wide open.

There was Hiccup, on top of a Nighy Fury, I've heard of their infamy and how rare they were but never seen one. "A Night Fury." Kale whispered in awe, the crew too were dumbstruck by the legendary dragon.
Hiccup slid of the dragon patted its head and it nuzzled his side.

"The Night Fury is the rarest species of dragon, they've been hunted down to the last, but Toothless and I? We're like brothers, the best of friends." Hiccup said proudly as Toothless licked his cheek. "Now, let's get this boat moving toward the nearest market to claim grain than." Hiccup said with urgency in his voice.

I nodded and ordered Kale to man the ship and everyone else to their posts.
Hiccup looked out toward the sea along with his nigh fury. "These are to be long fucking days." I murmured to myself. Our ship heading toward the horizon as we sail toward unknown fortunes.

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