Chapter 43: Expansion

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The return of the Djinn spread like a wildfire throughout the Persian empire and all its allies, they've all heard of the horrific legends that if the Djinn were reawakened, it can very well bring an end to mankind. And unfortunately, the Djinn lashed out with a fiery vengeance.

For months the Djinn have spread across the Persian empire, adding more humans to become infected with symbiosis and binding their souls and wills to follow the dark desires of their master.

The leader of the Djinn, Ghul whose spirit has taken control over Ardashir's body, but has quite literally manipulated his body into his own twisted version of himself before he was cursed.

Ghul has been planning vengeance against man the moment they were imprisoned and they've already taken many of the nomad tribes living in the Persian province.

They started in the lower regions, taking as many as they can, and then they'd set their sights toward a major city, taking everyone within their grasp.

For months Hiccup and his inquisitors have battled the demonic army, yet their numbers have grown much quicker than anyone could've expected, and this wasn't adding up. How were their numbers growing this quickly?

And the only empires left standing throughout the provinces was Babylon, Egypt, Hittites, and Persia itself. Everything else, the nomads, and lower cities were all added to the ranks of the dark army, these four empires had thrown their military might to protect their homes against the supernatural plague, even with the aid of the inquisitors, it wasn't enough to combat the Djinn.

Ghul, wanted to prove to the world that no mortal superpower could silence the Djinn, and his message was loud and clear.

Amireh, a Persian inquisitor who earned the nickname 'Ruler of the battlefield' had been able to push back a massive Djinn horde from invading Egypt, her expertise in the field of battle gave the people across the provinces much hope and courage. Yet even the greatest warriors aren't invincible, she requested for Hiccup and his forces for aid.

The citizens have seen what the Djinn are capable of and we're crippled with fear, yet Amireh encouraged the people to have hope and have faith in their protectors.
Hope that the armies of these empires would be enough to defend all they hold dear.

Hiccups pov

The Djinn have definitely proven themselves as aggressive and unpredictable warriors, and sent shivers down my spine, we know that their influence over man is powerful and the dark magic that is the dark crimson pulsing through their bodies makes them powerhouses. Me and my forces have been all over the empire to push the dark army back, yet the attempt was fruitless.

The Djinn's banishment tortured them and they believed that we are but insects that deserved to be snuffed out.

Myself, Amam and Juva met up with Amireh in Egypt once more to aid in its defense, and what was once the beautiful empire I've visited on occasion was now torn apart by war.
Amireh, rode on top of a huge lion, and leading her own army, as well as the Egyptians, they were able to push the enemy back, for the time being.

We touched down in the outskirts and met up with the two armies defending Egypt, and entered Amireh's war tent, there was Rameses, Amireh herself and the commanders of both armies.

"These demons have pushed us to our limit, they're unpredictable and that's their advantage, we need to be unpredictable ourselves if we want to stand a chance against them." Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement, yet I fear this won't be enough to stop them, they are practically better than us in every way, we needed to use guerrilla warfare, use the land to our advantage.

"Yes, but we should use the land against them as well, if we could ambush them, lure them into a bottle neck, than slaughter them." I suggested, they thought about it before agreeing and told me to lead the attack.

Hours later, we moved our army safely away from the city and moved to the canyons, there the Djinn amassed their hordes to move against us, we used our best chariot riders to distract them and lure the Djinn to the canyons so we could bottleneck them and pick them off from above with the best archers we had and our ferocious chariot riders mowing them down.

Once the riders crossed the canyons, our archers rained down steel on our foe, after thinning the herd, our armies clashed with the enemy.

I charged and drew my double bladed sword and threw it, decapitating six enemy soldiers, my sword also acted like a boomerang, coming back toward me, I leaped into the air and caught my sword. I spotted another group of enemy soldiers and I brought my sword down on them, hacking them to pieces.

Djinn pov

Impressive, the humans had lured us into an ambushed.

It will not happen again.
We used our power and might to kill as many humans as we could, but their numbers were to great at the moment, so we used our power turn into smoke and vanish.

We entered their camp, and Ghul ordered us to send a message to the one human who's killed many of us, Haddock.

After the message was done we, again retreated, back to protective embrace of our master.

Hiccups pov

Our army celebrated, landing a decisive victory over the Djinn, the commanders praised me for my military strategy and combat skills rivaled Montu, the Egyptian god of war. Once we made our way back to the war tent, I literally had a heart attack and saw it.

Our eyes landed on the tent curtain that had a map of this part of the world and then of...

No. Gods no.

They couldn't be.

I dropped to my knees and gasped. Amam knelt beside me. "Brother? What is it? Where is that?" He pointed to where the other part of map was. I exhaled shakily and breathed in an out, and after I gathered my wits I answered with disbelief.

"That is the Barbaric Archipelago, where I'm from, the Djinn are advancing to my country."

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