Chapter 28: Marriage contracts

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After the Berserkers attacked, sending a clear message that they're the muscle of the Alliance and that they're not to be trifled with a whole month had past since then and  Berk and its allies had an emergency meeting, discussing a quick way to put an end to the Alliance and fast before they decide to obliterate an entire tribe off the face of the Archipelago. For Astrid, she was having her hands full with duties as a Berkian honor guard, looking after her sister and dealing with a very arrogant scumbag.

Snotlout Jorgenson.

The guy would send her wedding contracts almost on a daily basis, and to say she was annoyed was an understatement. She wanted nothing more to bury her trusty axe into his skull, but she would not, as much as she wanted to. Not only is he now heir of Berk, his ego had grown to new lengths, telling her she can't resist a Viking like him and that their children will be the jewels of Berk.

Astrids skin literally crawled at the mere thought of that, it made her want to hack him to pieces and feed his remains to whispering deaths. Unfortunately this day was Astrids birthday and she now turned eighteen, which made her the age to be wedded off to a fellow tribe or worse.

Her beauty also sprouted as well, making her look more desirable to the men in her age group, her jawline was sharp and her curves showed off well.

Her golden locks had grown too, she still kept her braid, but threw it over her shoulder.
Her tunic was now black, to represent the ferocity of an honor guard, Astrids reputation had spread throughout the Archipelago and among Berks allies.

Stoick himself gave her the title of 'The Pride of Berk', and to say her parents were proud was an understatement, they showered her with praise, pleased to know that their daughter had gained such a reputation. In fact now the young Hofferson was getting suitors around her age, after much debate about the subject with her parents, Astrid decided she'd give the arranged marriage deal a try, she'd be as open as she could and do it to please her family and tribe.

Astrids pov

Typically I'd be against this arranged marriage stuff, but my parents marriage was arranged and they're deeply in love and are the best of friends too. I let that sink into my mind, because not all men are trustworthy and kind, they can be the most vile things to ever walk among this world, taking women as weaklings so they can fuck her into oblivion.

That's a reason why I became a warrior, to combat the advances of a man who would dare lay hands on me with such manner. But none the less I've been open to possibility that I too can find happiness out of this deal. Ive been at this for months now, and my suitors were all excellent warriors, and I became friends with each and every one of them.

And yet...

There was a void in my heart that seemed almost impossible to fill. Only one guy that I genuinely liked, but had to leave Berk, his father, birthright... and me.


I thought of Hiccup everyday, thinking where in the world he is, what he does on a daily basis, if he's moved on and found a girl. My jealousy rises, I'm jealous of this faceless woman who Hiccup may be into or maybe even is with. I missed his sarcasm when Snotlout and his mongrels for friends bullied him, I loved that he never quit, especially when his aspirations rose to kill dragons, only now he rides dragons, a Night Fury to be precise, that excited me.

I missed flying with my Hiccup.

Oh I've dreamt of the day he'd return and ask me to fly with him, I'd wrap my arms around his waist and feel the coolness of the air, run my fingers through the moist and puffy cloud and see the world form a dragons view. I snapped out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.


I blinked and saw Thuggory, heir to the Meathead tribe in front of me, he was two years older than me and sported a short beard on his handsome face, his eyes were blue mixed with green, and he had big muscles. "I'm sorry what?" I asked, my face burning from embarrassment for zoning out on whatever he was saying. He merely chuckled, and took a sip of mead in his mug, once he put the mug back down he looked at me again. "Zoning out on me Hofferson? Tsk tsk tsk, I thought you'd be interested with how our clan almost put an end the Hysteric tribe." He said with both pride and playfulness.

I chuckled, I liked Thug, but as a brother and he seemed fine with that.

He studied my facial features, like an eagle soaring in the sky searching for its next meal, he could almost read me like a book. "You miss him don't you?" He asked with a softness that shocked me.

I knew he was talking about Hiccup, so I smiled sadly and nodded. He nodded too, and let out a loud sigh, taking a huge gulp of mead. "He's always had affections for you Astrid, since we were but children, I remember all of our parents gathering to discuss the scourge of dragons, while they spoke of them we played together, Snotlout, Dagur, Cutthroat and those other shits picking on Hiccup like he was never one of them, yet you always looked after him, and that led to his love for you." He said with fact, I remembered that day perfectly, after that, Hiccup and I became the best of friends, that was until my uncle Finn fell to the Flightmare, I pushed him away to become Berks finest warrior.

"And I pushed him away, and now he's gone, possibly never to return, I miss him Thug, so much." I said, my eyes stinging, threatening to spill tears, I would not cry in front of Thug. "I miss him too Astrid, so does Camicazi, we were the friends he had left after you left him to fend for himself, not that I'm blaming you of course." I nodded and grabbed my own mug and took a huge gulp of mead, if he were to return, I'd beg him to forgive me for abandoning him and ask if we could start over again.

"Well well, still missing that pathetic excuse of a human being too huh?" The owner of the voice made me want to bury him alive.


"What do you want you privileged fuck?" Snarled Thug, clearly he hated him as much as I do. Snotlout smirked, which made my spine tingle in disgust.

"Oh nothing, just here to inform Astrid here that our two families have agreed to a wedding contract." He said with arrogance dripping from his voice. Thuggory's eyes widen and he looked at me with concern, knowing that Snotlout should run for the hills right now. My anger caused my blood boil, my fist clenched until my skin drew blood and I grabbed my axe and drew it to that smug little shits neck.

He yelped in surprise and fear.

"You fucking animal, there is no way on Thor's green earth would I EVER marry your lazy ass!" I hissed at him, about to bring the axe down and remove his head from his shoulders. "ASTRID!!" I turned to see my parents and the Jorgensons enter the Hall and walk toward us. "Father, what have you done?! Why would you marry me to this... this bloated cock sucker?!!" I yelled in rage.

"Silence! You watch your tone young lady, and I'm doing this for you and our family, we respected your wishes to look through the suitors from the tribes that are allied to us, but it took you months, Spitelout here came up with a reasonable price for you and Snotlout to be married." He said to the best of his ability. My body shook with disbelief and rage clawing up to my face, I shook my head and punched Snotlout across the face, and fell to the ground and spat out blood. "Playing hard to get huh, me likely." He purred. I scoffed and pushed past my parents and the Jorgensons and ran out the Hall.

"She's going to give you a very cruel death you preening shit." Thuggory said to the downed Jorgenson boy as he finished his mead and left the Hall.

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