Chapter 61: Abomination & proposal

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Hiccups pov

This beast was...I didn't even have the words to describe it, it had a single eye, glowing red, it had teeth the width of three ships, coral like spikes coming off its head. "That's just its head. It's HEAD! Just imagine what the rest of it looks like." Amam whispered yelled at me, I nudged him to remain quite, he nodded, I searched for any form of weakness on this thing, and I saw none. This is not good at all.

The Djinn may have just gestated a beast that's indescribable and will use this thing to wipe out our forces. The Djinn wizards were engaged in a spell to transform this monster into their ultimate killing machine. We can't do anything more for now, we had to get back Berk and warn them of this abomination, we move toward the exit but Ghul notices us, and goes ballistic.

"INFECTION!! COWARDS!! Spying on us? Well, the knowledge you hold will die with you. KILL THEM!!!" He roars and out of nowhere, Djinn snatchers come at us, we couldn't fight them all, we'd be overwhelmed.

"RUN!!" I yell, and we bolt, running as fast as we can, I give my dragon call for Toothless to hear, informing him we're coming in hot. Djinn wizards soon join the pursuit firing off their dark magic, we perform stunning evasion against these wizards magic, but we must keep moving, the snatchers are catching up and if one of us falls, we're all dead and our armies won't stand a chance without our leadership.

As we near the entrance, one snatcher was about grab me and out of no where, a plasma blast erupts, sending the snatcher into a pile of slime. I look to see Toothless urging us to move while my friends dragons fire at our pursuers, we all hop on our dragons and blow right out of the nest and retreat back to Berk.

"You will all die soon enough. My army grows each day Hiccup Haddock. We will kill every last one of you." I shook my head, Ghul, he spoke to me in my mind, I felt shivers crawling down my spine. "Uh Hiccup, we've got company!" Ana spoke over the howling wind, we all turned around to see Djinn, with wings, like that of a decaying bat, coming at us at alarming speeds. "Guys, evasive action!" I yell, we brake off as these Djinn try to take us out.

"Alright, Azar and Juva take the left, Ana and Amam take the right, and I'll get the middle." I growl, with we get to it, I activate a blade on my modified sword and hack a wing off one these creatures and they fall to their death, one comes out of no where tackles me, I quickly switch the control on Toothless's tail fin so that he can fly alone, and with that I'm in the clutches of this creature.

I struggle to break free, but I slice off one of its legs, it screams in agony I climb on it's back and drive my blade through its back and I see Toothless coming toward me, I front flip off that creature and land perfectly on Toothless and switch his tail control over to me. By this time my team finished off the rest of them. "What the hell were those things?" Amam asked.

"They're definitely new, and Ghul has been breeding new horrors to unleash on us, Hiccup we need to tell your people to prepare for war, because we need to strike now." I nodded and order them to move out, after and hour later we land back on Berk to warn everyone about the situation and with that we prepare everything, and we'd attack at early morning.

Astrids pov

Hiccup and his inquisitors returned and informed us of what they've laid their eyes on, and I began to worry, the look of panic etched in their features.

We all load our warships and all our forces to strike back, tomorrow morning, we'll vanquish this evil, with my true love by my side, I've longed for the two of us to fight side by side upon the field of battle, and tomorrow would house that privilege.

But right now, Hiccup and I were at the cove. By the gods, it's hard to believe fifteen years ago I wanted answers how Hiccup got so good at dragon training, instead I realized how amazing he is, this'll always be our spot, to cherish the memories.

I rested up against a boulder and Hiccup had his head in my lap, I scratched his scalp gently and he groaned pleasantly. He began whistling, I wasn't quite sure what, but he slowly lifted his head and sat in front of me, I began to worry. "Hiccup? What's wrong?" He smiled, but didn't answer my questions, instead he began singing.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you marry me."

My heart sped up, a smile graced my lips, he rose, extended his hand out to me, I grabbed it and we grasped each others forearms and stared at each other.

"No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heart and love me for eternity..."

I smiled and soon tagged in.

"My dearest one and darling dear your mighty words astound me. But I no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me."

Hiccup smiled, and we soon began dancing, he twirled me, I laughed and he continued.

"But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm if you stay beside me!"

He laughed as I twirled him around.

"I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold."

We interlaced our fingers together, he than says.

"I only want you near me!"

Than together we sing.

"To love and kiss, to sweetly hold! For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love inside me!"

We take a breath, look at each other and he gets on one knee and finishes.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning! And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me!"

He pulls out a black box and opens it, I gasp and put my hands over my mouth, the ring glistens in gold, he gently takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger, it fits perfectly, I notice the inscription on this masterpiece. It was beautiful; the craftsmanship beyond comprehension. How had he fit such complicated shapes into so small a space? I looked at Hiccup, tears swelling in my eyes, I than noticed Hiccup wearing the same golden ring but his was bigger, he had already made his choice, now it was up to me. I laughed and nodded, tears streaming down my face.

"Yes. Yes, gods yes Hiccup. Yes I'll marry you." I say, he smiles so brightly it makes my heart flutter tenfold, he pulls me into a warm hug, I return the gesture and he kisses my cheek. "I love you." He whispers, I smile and close my eyes. The gods have blessed me more than I can fathom, Hiccup as my husband will be the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and I'm ready to be his wife. "I love you too Hiccup, beyond words." We laugh and head to the village, announcing our engagement, and promise everyone once we deal with the Djinn, we'll celebrate our wedding.

But I need to prepared myself for the battle that awaits tomorrow, and the outcome of such an event.

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