Chapter 60: The nest

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Hiccup, accompanied by Amam, Juva, Ana and Azar, set out toward Berserker island, now serving as the Djinns nest. The trip there was silent, dreadful, and chilling. They'd be entering territory that's unfamiliar and that was their enemies advantage.

After an hour long flight, they touched down at Berserker island, the group of warriors saw what was left the Berserker war ship, the winds blew with a biting cold, the atmosphere was tense, as of the enemy were watching their every move upon landing, and the cold made it unforgiving, yet the group are warriors, such paranoia and fear was but a distraction, they needed to see this task complete, in order for their alliance to unleash its might, they needed to see what evil the Djinn have gestated in their lair.

Hiccups pov

Upon landing our dragons eyes immediately turned into to thin slits, and they hissed, I looked at my team, these four, have been my greatest friends and I have no doubt we'll see this task done with our efforts combined.

We found the Berserker war ships we confronted upon arrival. "Looks like the Djinn finished off the Berserkers for us." Azar stated, we all hummed in agreement, the Djinn has just added one of the most ferocious clans in the Archipelago to their ranks.
At least it was only them, if it was all of Alvins forces then I'd be concern.

We searched the majority of the island, yet no life was found, that is until, we stumbled unto a hole, the size of a titan sized whispering death, Toothless took one sniff and he snarled, I held him back. "No bud, we don't know how many are down there, I need to go with my friends, I need you and the other dragons to protect our only way of entering their lair, can you do that for me bud?" I asked, Toothless exhaled and his eyes returned to round orbs and warbled, than nodded and nuzzles my face, I chuckled and hugged him. "Come back in one piece Hiccup." Toothless said, I smiled and scratched his head. "Don't I always?" I ask sarcastically, I than order my team to enter the hole.

Upon entry, the air was warmer, we than pushed forward, not only did the temperature had risen, but the smell became foul, we pushed aside nasal distraction and continued on.

And thats when we heard it.

A roar, so loud it shook the ground beneath us, I looked at my team and we bolted, heading toward the sound, we saw a way out of the tunnel and what we saw next made my blood nearly freeze solid.

The Djinn, legions upon legions, building their nest, there were structures and architectural achievements, from pillars, bridges and so on. We needed to find Ghul. "Let's go guys." I say to my team, and we quietly move our way through the nest, the average Djinn foot soldier is average built, with a metal face mask covering its face with long spikes coming out of it.

For all we know the Djinn have already built a way for them to commune with their pantheon, and the gods of the Djinn crave one thing, and that's death, famine, and destruction. This madness has to come to an end before our world is reduced to a graveyard. "Hiccup! Over here!" Azar whispered, I made my way over to here to lay eyes on Djinn wizards, their chanting was in a language I'm unfamiliar with, but they're taking in the process of turning an average Djinn foot solider into...something.

The wizards red magic crackled and seeped through this thing and then it began growing, its hands becoming the size of a Vikings beefy hand, but with no skin, only the seeping symbiosis keeping this thing moving. Once this newly transformation was complete, the wizards spoke a chant that summoned a fist sized black smoke, and from that smoke, a wizard reached its hand into it and pulled out a giant cleaver. This cleaver didn't appeared to be made of metal, but instead made up of fossilized bone, the wizard offered the sword to this new soldier, this beast picked up the sword and roared, its mouth revealing razor sharp teeth and red glowing down its throat.

Azar and I looked at each other, we decided that those things should be called a Djinn knight, because of their bulking frame and undying loyalty to their dark master. We stumbled upon many new horrors and weapons the Djinn plan on using against us, luckily I brought my journal to sketch and document everything about the enemies new soldiers and weapons, we're going to need to know how they work, and we've seen first hand on how they work, so I wrote it down and would inform our friends back on Berk.

We ran into a few close calls too, the Djinn definitely don't want any mortal knowing about their fortress, my heart suddenly began beating faster and my fear shot through the roof of my mind as we ran head long into a Djinn snatcher, these things are easy to take down if they're alone, but in hordes? They're like a pack of wolves that can tear you to pieces, I tackled this thing and before it can screech informing others nearby of intruders, I slapped my hand over this things mouth to keep it silent and than I took a dagger and shanked it twice in the abdomen than delivered a kill blow to the throat, this things blood wet my hand and began seeping against the ground, and it tried screeching louder, but I squeezed its mouth shut.

It suddenly stopped moving, I removed my hand from its mouth and removed my blade from its throat, I wiped my hand off with a piece of cloth and looked at my crew, they all had relief etched on their faces. "That was WAY too close my friend." Juva said, I nodded and took a moment to calm my nerves.

"Alright, let's find Ghul and see what's he's up to and get the hell out of here." I said, they all nodded, but before we take another step, we hear another roar, except this one actually made us wince because it brought slight pain to our ear drums, but this roar caused the ground to tremor and echoed across the walls. "I don't want to know what else they have down here." Ana said, I hummed in agreement and as much I didn't want to go toward that roar, we needed to, it could deliver us to Ghul, so we had our weapons close at hand and walked through the halls of this vile stink hole.

It took some time but we finally reached our destination, Ghul, yet he was in his cloak and his Djinn armor covering up his body, around the dark master, circled a coven of wizards, they began chanting around a gigantic sized pool, a pool full of black goo, we weren't sure what it was but after a few minutes, the pool began to bubble and out from this pool rose an abomination, the likes of which I've never seen before, Ghul was going to have to wait. As of right now? This monster suddenly just became our number one priority.

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