Chapter 39: Dreadful wedding

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Astrids pov

Bile rose up my throat, anger threatening to consume me entirely, and sadness creeping into my bones. Why? Why did the gods have to be cruel like this? Was this their idea of justice for how I abandoned Hiccup in the past? And in return he left Berk and me and possibly never to return?

I choke back a sob, I'm being forced into marriage with a pig, who cares only for his own desires.

I look into the mirror and see how I look, my wedding dress is a black dress, with black arm braces and a wolf pelt around my neck.
I look pretty, but I feel no happiness, all I feel is hate, rage and disgust.

Snotlouts pov

Damn I look good, I wrap the bear furs around my neck and finish making myself look presentable.

I come outside along side my father and mother, we eventually see Astrid with her parents and little sister, we than proceed into the Great Hall.

As we open the doors, the entire village is in there, witnessing our marriage, Stoick and Gobber waiting at the end of the Hall while the rest of the village looks at us with pride.
Hehe, our future children will be a true force and will be the finest warriors in Viking history.

Garth's pov

As Freyja and I sat down, I was disgusted by that Jorgenson boys eyes wandering down my daughters body like a piece of meat, I ruined her, if only I could reverse the sun, but I can't.
The two make their way in front of Stoick and bow their heads in respect, he than rises from his throne and speaks.

"Marriage is one of the most sacred bonds between man and woman, yet a marriage doesn't work if the partners don't love, honor and respect each other, in fact it's no marriage at all, it's just like wolves fighting over scraps of food. Nothing but conflict, yet, Snotlout won the Thawfest games and has legal claim over you Astrid, I'm sorry, let us finish this and we'll go about our days."

As Stoick completed the wedding ceremony, my daughter looked so broken, so devastated, that it killed me from the inside. I wanted to kill Snotlout, crush his throat  beneath my heel, and watch as the life feels from his miserable existence. Thor forgive me, for forcing such a fate upon my daughter.

Astrids pov

At days end, my new "husband" and I entered our new house and as soon as the door closed Snotlout forced himself in top of me, I struggled to be free from his grasp, but he held on with a vice like grip.

"You'll provide me with heirs, and you'll obey my commands as my wife, I expect you to obey, if my seed takes grip inside your womb, you'll not kill the life within you, or I'll have your family slaughtered." He smirked.

I spat in his face.

"You bastard, I'll never provide you with ANY children." I snarled, he lifted me up dragged me upstairs while I was screaming and squirming trying to break free from his grasp.
He threw me on the bed and ripped off my dress and undergarments while he did the same, and crawled on top of me and shoved his cock inside me, I gasped in pain, I tried to punch him, but he pinned my hands on top of my head while thrusting into me.

I moaned, not in pleasure, but my body surrendering itself to his rough thrusts.
"Ah yeah baby, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." He said huskily while kissing my neck, I whimpered and my skin was crawling, he thrusted even harder making me cry out, tears streaming down my face.

I wanted to end my life, I made sure to dig my nails into Snotlouts back and produce blood, he grunted in pain and he slapped me, hard, I winced at the heat of his hit on my face.
"Try that again and I'll make you beg, you bitch." He hissed at me. I whimpered in fear, for the first time in years I was afraid. Odin strike me down and spare me from this fate.

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