2. Butterflies

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We arrive at the church after an hour long car ride but it still doesn't seem like enough time to prepare me for coming face to face with Josh for the first time in over a year. I'm a ball of nerves as Topanga leads me, Ava, Riley, and my mother into the church.

My mom is the only one out of the five of us that isn't ready for our walk down the aisle. Topanga tells her to go upstairs to finish getting ready while she walks the rest of us into a room in the basement of the church where Shawn, Cory, Auggie, Lucas, Farkle, and Zay are waiting. Topanga gives Cory a quick kiss and kisses Shawn on the cheek before heading back upstairs to help my mom finish getting ready.

Farkle walks up to me and Riley as Ava goes to retrieve her basket from Cory.

"Ladies" Farkle says just as he has a million times before. Riley and I laugh looking at our best friend, before responding.

"Farkle" we say in unison as Lucas walks up to us.

"You look" Lucas trails off as he looks at Riley obviously at a loss for words.

"Uh, Ranger Rick, you having some trouble?" I tease playfully.

"No" Lucas replies clearly flustered before bringing his full attention back to Riley. "You look beautiful Riley" he continues causing Riley to blush as she leans in to kiss Lucas.

After a few seconds I shout, "Okay you two enough," and the two of them separate and share a sweet smile before heading over to join Cory and Shawn.

"You look amazing Maya" I hear from behind me causing me to smile.

"Thanks, you look pretty good yourself" I reply turning around coming face to face with my boyfriend. I walk towards him filling the distance that's between us. He looks down at me and smiles and we kiss until, just as I had done to Riley and Lucas a few moments earlier, I hear them yell enough. We part ways and smile at each other and suddenly all of my fears for today are gone. I'm with Zay and I'm happy. There was no way that Josh's mere presence was going to change that...I hope.


About a half hour passes and Zay goes upstairs to join the rest of the guests and it's finally almost time for the wedding.

Topanga comes back downstairs to make sure we're ready and to get us in the order that we will walk down the aisle in. Shawn is going to walk in first, then Ava and Auggie, because even though the ring bearer and the flower girl usually walk separately they insisted on walking together, then Cory and Topanga since they're the best man and maid of honor. Then comes me, Riley, Farkle, and Lucas. Riley and Lucas take their positions behind Cory and Topanga while Farkle and I line up behind them.

Everyone seems fine and ready to go as we all fall into place until Topanga comes up to me and Farkle.

"Farkle, you're walking in front of Maya" she says smiling.

"Why would Farkle stand in front of me shouldn't we walk together?" I ask confused.

"No, you won't be walking down the aisle with Farkle you're walking down the aisle with" and before she's able to finish her sentence the person I knew she was just about to name walks through the door.

"Hey, family, sorry I'm late, traffic was a bit-."

"Josh!" Topanga yells cutting him off before he's able to complete the expletive.

"Sorry Topanga" he apologizes laughing. "So, where do you want me?" he asks politely.

I knew the answer already so it really shouldn't have surprised me when she tells him to stand right next to me. He smiles between me and her before walking over to me. My heartbeat starts speeding up, my nerves multiplying by the second as he came closer and closer.

"Hey, Maya" he says looking down at me as he finally reaches his spot next to me.

"Uncle Boi-." I say realizing a little too late I had almost let my old nickname for him slip. "Josh" I say trying to redeem myself from my slip up. Of course he just laughs it off like it was nothing and luckily because he was so late, it's already time to make our way back upstairs.

As we walk up the stairs I make a decision, no matter how nervous Josh made me I was not going to let him ruin my perfect day. I was finally going to have the family I always wanted and nothing and nobody was going to change that.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter the wedding 💒💐💍

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