25. Make-Ups and Make-Outs

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"Zay" Riley says looking at me confused. "Who is this?" she asks gesturing to the tan skinned girl standing in front of us. Vanessa doesn't look much different than she did in middle school except her hair is a bit shorter and not as curly. She's wearing a dark red dress and she has a pair of black heels finishing off the look.

"This is Vanessa" Zay says nonchalantly not taking his eyes off me.

"She's from Texas Riles. Remember?" I ask looking at my best friend. "She's Zay's date. Because contrary to popular belief I am dating Josh, not Zay." I cry as I brush past everyone but I'm surprised when I turn around to find four guys instead of one.

"Maya I'm so sorry" Lucas says seriously as he tries to walk towards me but I take a step back avoiding him.

"You okay?" Zay asks concerned.

"Sweetheart please say something" Josh pleads as he walks up to me. I look up into his eyes causing a smile to pull at my lips.

"I love you" I smile as I walk in front of him to face my friends.

"Zay I'm fine. Can Lucas and I have a second?" I ask. Zay nods and walks back into the party and Josh comes over to me kissing my forehead before following Zay.

"Maya I am so sorry" Lucas starts but I cut him off.

"You should be. Lucas why wouldn't you come and talk to me? Why wouldn't you believe Zay?"

"I don't know. It just. Something seemed off Maya. I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know. I forgive you."

"Really?" Lucas asks in disbelief.

"Look Ranger Rick I'm not gonna hold a grudge. It's not going to solve anything but you're gonna have to earn back my trust because whether you tried to or not you and Riles really hurt me."

"Understandable. Thank you Maya." Lucas says as relief washes over his face.

"You're welcome. Now come on we have a party to get back to" I smile as I grab onto his arm walking back into Topanga's.



I watch as Maya walks back in with Lucas. She's smiling and she looks comfortable with him on her arm so I assume that they made up but I know for me it won't be that easy. I had betrayed my best friend, my sister. I should've just talked to her. What was wrong with me?

"Hey Princess" Lucas says as he comes over to me smiling brightly.

"Hey. Did you talk everything out with Maya?" I ask looking over his shoulder watching as she walked over to Josh kissing him deeply.

"Yea. She forgave me but I have to win back her trust which is understandable. I'm just happy that she agreed to talk to me."

"I bet" I respond looking down at the ground sadly.

"Riley go talk to her. Please" Lucas says but I shake my head causing Lucas to roll his eyes. "Go" he pushes me towards her. I glance back at him as I take a deep breath and walk over to Maya.

"Peaches can we talk?" I ask breaking her out of her conversation with Josh.

"Yea" she responds handing her drink to Josh before walking out of the café. We take our seats at the table outside and it's silent for a good minute or so until I decide to finally say something.

"I'm really sorry Maya."

"I know you are Riles. Can you at least tell me why you didn't come and talk to me? How did you even know Zay and I were hanging out?"

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