14. The Countdown

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After my parents get back life goes back to normal. I go to school, hang out with my friends, do my homework, and count down the days until Josh and I are together again.

Luckily, school has kept me pretty busy in the meantime, I have so much homework that I wouldn't even be able to hang out with Josh even if he was here.

I look out my window watching the snow fall wishing more than anything that Friday could just get here already so that I could be back with the guy I loved. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I smile realizing that I have a text from Josh.

BOYFRIEND: Four days 😄

I smile reading the text. It was nice to know I wasn't the only one counting down the days.

MAYA: I know!! I can't wait to see you!!

BOYFRIEND: Me either!! Whatcha up to?

MAYA: Homework 😑


MAYA: Yepppp. Wanna help?

BOYFRIEND: Not sure. What is it?

MAYA: Math.


I smile at the offer but the only problem is that I was lying I actually already knew how to do all of the problems on the sheet. So I decide to make up some of my own.

MAYA: Okay....one girlfriend plus one invitation to a New Year's party equals????

JOSH: There is no way that's an actual question.

MAYA: Well, it's not on my worksheet but it is a question.

JOSH: Is this your way of asking me to be your date to the annual Matthews' New Year's party?

MAYA: Maybe 😘

JOSH: Then I believe the answer to your problem is yes.

MAYA: Perfect 😊 I love you 💜

JOSH: Love you too gorgeous 💙

I put my phone down and decide to actually start working on my homework again. Only seven more days.


MAYA: Your brother's lost it

BOYFRIEND: What's wrong? Aren't you in class?

I laugh to myself reading the text. It was the next day and we were all in Mr. Matthews' classroom. He was talking on and on about how customs during the holiday season have changed throughout history.

He's teaching. There are three days left of school until break and he was teaching.

MAYA: I am in class and HE'S TEACHING! Josh how the hell am I supposed to focus when I'm seeing you in less than three days!

BOYFRIEND: Maya you're in class. He's supposed to teach.

MAYA: Whose side are you on?

BOYFRIEND: Maya I'm always on your side. Except when we can get caught. I'm saying this because I love you sweetheart. Put the phone down.

I read the text and suddenly Cory is standing over me holding out his hand.

"Miss Hunter" he says expectantly.

"I'll put it away. I'm sorry Mr. Matthews" I insist.

"Maya. Phone" he orders.

"Um" I say looking over at Riley. If he took my phone Josh and I were busted. My phone vibrates again in my hand. "Mr. Matthews, I get a warning. On the first day of school you said if we were caught with our phones, we would get a warning. I got no such thing. You can't take my phone" I insist as he sighs annoyed.

"Fine Miss Hunter, but put it away" he says before turning his attention back to the class. I sigh in relief. Josh and I would keep our little secret for now.


BOYFRIEND: I hate term papers! How the hell am I supposed to fit all of the shit I learned this semester into a paper under ten pages?

I'm over at Riley's house working on homework on the bay window when I get the text from Josh. Riley looks over at me and shakes her head laughing.

"I really have no idea how no one has figured out that you're dating Josh. He leaves and suddenly you're glued to your cell and your face lights up like a Christmas tree every time he texts you."

"Is it really that obvious? I'm trying to get better" I confess.

"It's really obvious" she laughs as I blush. "But it's cute. You're in love. I'm happy for you" she says smiling.

"Thanks Riles" I say smiling at her before I respond to Josh.

MAYA: You got this babe. Just remember I'm the pot of gold at the end of the homework rainbow 😊

BOYFRIEND: I miss you 😕

MAYA: I miss you too. Only two more days 😊

BOYFRIEND: Then I'm with you forever 💙

MAYA: Are you proposing. Josh I love you but...

BOYFRIEND: Maya if I'm about to propose to you, you'll know 😉

MAYA: Did you just quote Jesse from the movie Prom

BOYFRIEND: No he said Nova, if I'm about to kiss you, you'll know

MAYA: Josh how many times have you seen that movie 😂

BOYFRIEND: I had an older sister who was a teenager when I was little. Instead of Barney & Friends I had Disney Channel and Teennick

MAYA: Well we are definitely having a DCOM movie marathon when you get here

BOYFRIEND: Whatever you say Hunter. I'm heading to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you 💙

MAYA: Goodnight boyfriend. Love you too 💜


I'm sitting at the dinner table the next night eating with my family as my phone rings. My mom looks at me annoyed.

"Maya Penelope Hunter? Who is calling you during dinner?" she asks annoyed as I look down at my phone trying to hide my smile. It was Josh.

"Um, it's Riles. You know she'd never call during dinner if it wasn't important. Can I be excused?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course kiddo" Shawn says as my mom shoots him the death glare.

"Thanks" I say jumping up from my seat as I run into my bedroom answering my phone. "Hey" I say quickly into the speaker.

"Guess where I am?" he asks excitedly.

"Shut up" I exclaim jumping up and down.

"I'll be in Greenwich Village by midnight. Wish I could see you before tomorrow" he says sadly.

"Me too. But I'll be coming over after school tomorrow" I say happily.

"Maya, can you believe this is actually happening? We're gonna be together again. We get to date for real this time" he adds happily.

"Once we tell everyone" I laugh making him moan in annoyance.

"Way to bring the mood down Hunter" he laughs. "For tomorrow can we just focus on us? I really miss you" he says sadly.

"Of course we can. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" I say smiling ear to ear.

"I love you too Hunter. See you tomorrow" he says as we hang up. I had no idea how I was going to survive eight hours of school tomorrow, but I knew that once it was over it would all be worth it because I'd be back in Josh's arms.

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