35. Fireworks

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The next couple of weeks pass quickly as any time during summer vacation does. Riley and I spend most of our time binging Red Planet Diaries since we never got to finish it thanks to her getting grounded and the rest of my time is spent in Josh's dorm. Today was Fourth of July and I was going all out as usual, going as far as to place a red streak in my blonde curls.

"Maya what are you doing?" Josh asks as he stands in the doorway of my bathroom looking amazing in his blue muscle tank that he filled out perfectly with his well-defined muscles.

"What? You don't like it?" I ask as I admire the red streak in the mirror.

"No I didn't say that. I actually think it's sexy as hell which is why I'm unsure why you're wearing it in public" he teases making me giggle as he stands behind me. "You really like the Fourth huh?" he asks as I nod.

"I look good in red and blue and this is the only day where it's acceptable to wear both" I reply making him laugh as he kisses the top of my head.

"Well you look perfect Hunter."

"Thanks" I reply as I turn to face him. "You like the outfit?" I ask making him blush as he looks me up and down. I was wearing a red tank top and a pair of short blue shorts along with a pair of wedges.

"I love it" he smirks as he reaches down to press his lips to mine. "Almost as much as I love you" he adds as he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. "Now come on gorgeous we have people to see."

"Yay Riley" I exclaim as I push past him making him laugh as he follows behind me.


"Happy Fourth of July Ranger Rick" I tease Lucas as Josh and I walk up to Farkle and Lucas.

"Thanks Maya" he laughs as Riley appears at his side.

"Peaches" she exclaims as she throws her arms around me. "Happy Fourth of July."

"Same to you honey" I smile as we break apart. "Where are we sitting?" I ask curiously as I look around at the grass finding almost every spot covered in chairs and blankets just as it was every year.

"Over there" Lucas motions to the left and I see Smackle sitting on a blanket next to Zay and Vanessa. We wave politely before turning back to our conversation.

"I'm going to get popcorn. Anyone want anything?" Josh asks as he looks around the group.

"Snow cone" Riley smiles making Josh chuckle.

"Anything else?" he asks the group but no one adds anything. "Maya you sure you don't want something."

"I'm good. Thanks babe" I smile as he gives me a quick kiss and walks off. We make our way to the blanket and get comfortable in our spots waiting for the fireworks to start. Josh gets back about fifteen minutes later and we all laugh and catch up while we wait for nightfall.

Finally around 9:45 the first firework erupts in the sky earning oohs and ahs from the crowd. Josh and I lay back on the grass, my head on his chest and his hand tangling in my hair as we watch the colors explode across the sky. They only last about fifteen minutes and we all pile out of the park around ten. Josh drives me home but I'm reluctant to get out of his truck as he pulls up to my house.

"You okay?" he asks as he shuts off the engine, turning to face me.

"Summer's gonna be over soon that's all" I sigh. "I like how things are now. I like having time to spend with you and my friends. It's gonna suck when this all ends."

"It's not gonna end Maya. You'll just have to balance everything but you're Maya and you'll figure it out" he assures me. "And besides we still have over a month of vacation left, that's plenty of time to make memories, you know besides the rest of our life" he adds making me laugh as I lean in to kiss him.

"Love you" I smile as we pull apart.

"Love you too."

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