36. Popcorn and Bad Behavior

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"How many notebooks do I need?" I ask Josh as we walk down the aisle in Target shopping for school supplies. It was over a month since the Fourth of July and Josh was starting school on Monday morning while I still had a week and half left of summer break.

"Six I think" he says as he tries to read my awful handwriting. He had been failing at reading the list all afternoon. I knew taking the list from his hands and reading it myself would be faster but I was having fun watching him struggle.

I grab six different colored notebooks and throw them into the cart as we continue to move through the supplies. "Do you need anything else?" I ask curiously as I throw a couple boxes of pencils and a pack of pens into the cart.

"Nope. I got everything I need" he smiles making me roll my eyes playfully at the double meaning of his words. I grab a few other random things like a calculator and erasers before we start heading off to the more fun part of the store.

"We should get a movie. We could have a movie night" I suggest smiling up at my boyfriend.

"What should we get?" he asks as he scans the racks of movies. Our eyes land on Pitch Perfect and I nod as he throws it into the cart. We both loved the movie yet neither of us actually owned our own copy. "We need popcorn" he insists as we walk towards the grocery section of the store. I find the box and throw it into the cart before grabbing a bag of chocolate covered potato chips. "Maya Penelope Hunter what are you doing?" he asks as he motions to the bag.

"What?" I ask laughing as I place them into the cart. "They're good trust me" I assure him as I motion for him to exit the aisle. We head towards the checkout, me using the credit card my mom gave me to finish my shopping and Josh paying for the fun stuff. We load up his truck and we head off to the loft. Once we arrive we unload the stuff for our movie night and we walk inside.

"Hey Peaches" Riley says brightly as we walk in.

"Hey Riles" I smile as I stroll into the kitchen, placing the heavy bags onto the counter and unpacking them.

"Movie night" she guesses as she grabs the bag of chips, opening them and popping one into her mouth.

"You too" Josh says making me giggle as Riley looks at him confused. Topanga skips down the stairs with Auggie on her heels.

"Auggie and I are heading to the store. I'm guessing you don't need anything" she laughs as she takes in our haul.

"Um not really" Josh laughs. "Thanks though" he adds smiling at his sister in law.

"We should be back in a couple hours. Behave" she adds as she shoos Auggie out the door, closing the door behind them.

"I'm going out with Lucas and my dad won't be home for a while. He had a meeting at school" she adds smirking. "Have fun" she sing songs as she strolls out the front door.

"What do people think we do when we're alone?" Josh asks laughing as he places the last bit of groceries in their appropriate places and pops a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

"Oh I don't know" I laugh teasingly as hop up onto the kitchen table. "Maybe something like this" I smirk as I grab his belt loop, pulling him to me as I crash my lips against his. I feel the hesitation in the kiss but as soon as I swipe my tongue along his bottom lip all reservations drift away as he opens his mouth to me. He pushes the chair out of his way as he moves closer, allowing my legs to wrap around his waist as his one hand gripped my waist tightly, the other bracing us against the table. Suddenly the microwave beeps bringing us back to reality as his lips leave mine. His forehead rest against mine as our hurried breath mingles between us. "I should get that" he says making me giggle as I untangle myself from him. He steps back allowing me to jump off the table and go to pop in the movie before heading off to the couch. He retrieves the popcorn and walks over to the couch placing it in the middle of us as he sits down. I press play on the movie and we relax into each other's arms as the opening credits start to roll. We're in our own content little world until suddenly the door opens revealing Cory.

"My brotha" Josh exclaims as Cory laughs.

"My brotha" he replies with just as much enthusiasm. "What are you and Maya doing?"

"Watching a movie" Josh replies nonchalantly.

"Behaving?" he asks making a blush creep onto my cheeks as I think of our make out session a little while ago.

"Of course" Josh replies quickly, not missing a beat. "Always" he adds smirking down at me causing me to bite my lip. Cory shakes his head laughing as he walks off towards his bedroom, when he's gone I let out my held back laugh.

"Always" I tease making Josh roll his eyes playfully.

"Just watch the rest of the movie" he insists, a smile playing at his lips. I laugh to myself as I snuggle up to him and do just as he asks.

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