42. No Más Español

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After Thanksgiving Josh's parents leave town and I'm able to go back to spending time in the apartment without feeling weird. Amy and Alan insisted they were okay with me moving in with their youngest son but I was still unsure. Regardless I wasn't going to let it ruin my mood. It was the week before Christmas now and the only thing that did threaten to ruin my mood was my Spanish homework. I'm sitting at the dining room table working on the worksheet as Josh sits on the couch relaxing since he's already been on break for almost two weeks. I sigh in annoyance as I look down at my impossible homework.

"What's wrong?" Josh asks looking over at me from the couch where he's sitting watching the baseball game.

"What's wrong is that I have to finish this damn homework assignment and it's literally impossible." I complain as Josh walks over to me putting his hands on my shoulders before reaching forward to grab the worksheet.

"Spanish, Maya you're great at Spanish. What's the problem?" he asks confused as he looks between me and the worksheet.

"The problem is I'm in Spanish 5. My head can't contain that much Spanish. I'm going to explode if I have to conjugate another verb" I exclaim, dropping my head into my hands in frustration. Josh puts the worksheet back on the table and starts to massage my shoulders making me relax immediately as I lift my head back up and lean back into his chest.

"Fell a little better?" he asks looking down at me.

"I always feel better when you're around" I say closing my eyes as he continues to rub my shoulders.

"You know you're going to be fine. You're going to rock that exam and even if you don't that's okay too" he says making a smile pull at my lips.

"You're amazing you know that?"

"Uh duh" he replies jokingly as he takes his hands off my shoulders allowing me to move.

"Hey" I shout playfully, turning around in the chair so I can look up at him.

"I'm kidding" he says leaning down to kiss me. "Kinda" he adds before walking back to the couch making me chuckle as I shake my head in amusement.

"You are such a dork" I say laughing as I turn my attention back to my worksheet.

"Yea, but you love me anyway" he teases as he sits back on the couch.

"For some reason" I tease back making us both laugh as I finally start my homework again, the sounds of the baseball game surrounding me for the rest of the afternoon.

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