57. Night to Remember

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"Morning Topanga" I exclaim as I walk into the loft with my mom beside me, the morning of prom.

"Hello Maya" she replies smiling, "Riley is up in her room with Smackle and Vanessa" she adds as I nod in understanding, rushing up the stairs and down the hall to my best friend's bedroom.

"Peaches" Riley exclaims as she jumps off her bed, running over to me despite the annoyed look she gets from Smackle since she was trying to curl her hair.

"Hey Riles" I laugh as I hug my best friend tightly. "Are you excited or buzzed?" I ask playfully as we pull apart making her roll her eyes playfully.

"Yea right" she replies laughing. "I am sober as can be, high on life if you will" she adds making my friends and I laugh as she dances around the room.

"Are you excited?" Smackle asks excitedly as she looks over at me from the bed where she has finally gotten Riley to sit back down so she can finish her hair.

"Beyond excited" I reply happily.

"To be clear you are excited for prom, not after" Vanessa teases making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"I hate you" I smirk as I open my makeup bag, grabbing the small makeup mirror from Riley's vanity as I start to apply foundation.

"Lies" Vanessa laughs. "Come on you can tell us" she says excitedly.

"If it happens you'll know but that's all I'm saying on the subject" I reply, pursing my lips in a fine line making Vanessa moan in annoyance as our moms walk in.

"Mom I need you to do my hair" I exclaim as I pull on my mom's arm.

"Okay baby girl" she laughs. "What am I doing?" she asks as she sits behind me running her fingers through my blonde locks.

"I want it up somehow, what do you think I should do?" I ask curiously as I apply blush and eyeliner.

"I don't know but we'll figure something out" she smiles as I get more excited with every passing second. Tonight was going to be perfect.


I'm in the bathroom finishing off my makeup, applying my lip gloss when I hear a knock on the door making me turn my attention to the sound.

"Damn" Josh says as his eyes run down my body making a blush rise on my cheeks as I avert my eyes to the ground.

"You like it?" I ask as I finally look back up at him, finding him nodding, speechless. I guess the girls were right. "You look handsome" I add as I let my eyes wander over his body. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a dark blue button up that matches my dress perfectly, a suit jacket hanging over his shoulder.

"Thanks gorgeous" he smiles as he grabs my waist pulling me into his embrace. "I love you."

"I love you too" I reply happily. "Now come on let's go" I exclaim as I grab his hand leading him back out of the room.


Our prom is being held at a high class hotel in Manhattan so everything in the building looks crazy expensive. Our theme is Starry Night so when I walk in I'm met with thousands of twinkly lights hanging in every nook and cranny along with candles and glitter covering every surface. I quickly start scanning the room and after a few seconds my eyes land on my friends. They're dancing along to Katy Perry's Teenage Dream.

"Ready to dance?" I ask excitedly as I grab my boyfriend's hand leading him out to the dance floor where all my friends were gathered together. I join in with my friends, singing at the top of my lungs making Josh chuckle beside me. As the song switches to Earned It by the Weeknd I laugh, watching Cory run over to the DJ trying to get him to shut it off but he's too late. All the couples have already started dancing much to his dismay.

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