58. Interruptions and New Additions

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I'm still coming off my high as Josh climbs off of me lying down beside me trying to catch his breath. Once I've managed to catch mine I turn onto my side to look over at my boyfriend who's still struggling for breath making me bite my lip to keep from smiling too much.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks breathlessly as he looks over at me, his blue eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Because that was amazing" I reply honestly as I smile at him. "And because I love you" I add as I lean in for another short kiss, his lips meeting mine sending a shock of electricity through my body.

"I was pretty amazing wasn't I?" he asks playfully as we pull apart making me hit him lightly as he laughs.

"Hey" I exclaim making him laugh harder as he moves a strand of hair that had fallen out of my updo behind my ear.

"I'm kidding" he smiles sweetly as his hand lingers on my cheek. "It was perfect Maya" he says looking up at me happily.

"And?" I ask expectantly as I stare down at him.

"And I love you too" he smiles as he pulls me on top of him. "Also I really wanna do it again" he smirks as his lips crash back onto mine causing a moan to escape my lips as my body presses into his. I was overwhelmed by how perfectly the two of us seemed to fit together, if soulmates were real then Josh was definitely mine. His lips start trailing down my neck causing me to bite my lip as I throw my head back, getting lost in Josh until my phone pulls me back into reality, ringing loudly on the nightstand. Josh breaks away from me, looking from my eyes to the phone.

"Just ignore it. Whatever it is it can wait until tomorrow" I insist before leaning back down to kiss him. My phone stops ringing after a few more seconds and I smile as I feel Josh's hands run up my bare back my lips trailing down his neck as I hear my phone start to ring again. I sit up and moan in annoyance looking down at Josh. "Just let me shut it off" I insist as I lean over to grab my phone. I run my fingers through my messy hair that had fallen around my shoulders from my undo, moving it out of my face so I can read the screen. I almost drop the phone like it's on fire when I read the caller ID.

My dad is the one who has been trying to reach me. I've been having sex with my boyfriend while my dad has been frantically calling me. Daughter of the year.

"Who is it? Your other boyfriend?" Josh jokes still laying under me, naked. My dad on the other side of the phone, waiting for me to pick up and I'm in a bed trying to have sex for the second time ignoring his call. I look down at Josh worriedly as I chew my bottom lip.

"No" I say ignoring his joke as I take a deep breath, "my dad."

Suddenly the smile that was on Josh's face is wiped away probably from the realization that while I was laying on top of him naked, my father was trying to reach me. I sigh as I climb off Josh, wrapping the blankets around me as I answer my phone.

"Hey dad." I say trying to keep my voice level.

"Maya your mom's in labor you need to get to the hospital. Now" my dad says quickly, making my eyes widen in shock.

"WHAT?" I scream into the phone in shock. My mom wasn't due for another three weeks.

"Maya I'll explain everything when you get here. Do you have a ride or do I need to send Cory to come get you?" I chew on my lip as I look over at Josh, thinking about lying but I want Josh with me. I take a deep breath as I shake my head though he can't see me.

"No I have a ride. I'll be there as soon as I can" I say hanging up the phone as I jump out of the bed.

"Maya, what's going on?" Josh asks concerned as I start to collect my various pieces of clothing.

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