32. The Hoedown

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I spend the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the "hoedown" and watching movies with Josh in our room. Around seven we head off to Chubby's. When we get there we all sit down and order our dinner which is just as good as I remember it being when we came here in eighth grade. Riley and Lucas are already on the dance floor along with Smackle and Farkle, while Zay and Vanessa were flirting relentlessly next to the jukebox.

"Are we gonna dance Hunter?" Josh asks making me turn my attention to him.

"Maybe" I tease smiling brightly at him.

"Come on" he says as the song Crazier by Taylor Swift comes on. He leads me out onto the dance floor and we find a spot between Riley and Lucas and some other random couple. Josh puts his hands on my waist while I wrap mine around his neck and we start to sway slowly.

"This is so perfect" I say as I rest my head on his chest.

"You're perfect" Josh whispers in my ear as we pull apart looking at each other. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too Josh."


"So are you and Farkle having a good time?" I ask Smackle later as we sit at the table.

"We're having an amazing time. The landscape here is incredible, Farkle and I have been enjoying our nature walks" Smackle says smiling.

"What about you and Matthews?" Vanessa asks as she walks over to the table. "You two seem to be getting pretty close these days" she teases.

"Josh and I are having a great time" I say avoiding the intimacy subject that I had had way too much of already today.

"I don't think any of us are having as much fun as those two though" Smackle says motioning towards Riley and Lucas on the dance floor. Riley was dancing on Lucas and he had his hands on her waist.

"I told her those cowboy boots would drive him crazy" I laugh thinking about how dead Lucas would be if Cory ever saw the way Riley was dancing on her boyfriend right now.

"What?" Vanessa asks and I realize I had said the cowboy boots thing out loud.

"Nothing" I insist quickly laughing but it's quickly halted when my eyes land on Josh. He was over by the bar getting us drinks but he was now joined by a slutty looking brunette. Her hair was down to her ass and her dress was so tight I couldn't believe she was still able to breathe, not that she would be breathing in a few seconds anyway.

I get up and walk over towards the bar. "Um excuse me" I say snottily as I join my boyfriend and the girl.

"You're excused" she says looking me up and down judgmentally.

"Ha" I laugh rolling my eyes at the girl. "I was actually talking to you. He's taken" I inform her.

"By who because I know you aren't talking about yourself. What are you? Twelve?"

"Um I think its best that you leave" Josh says stepping between me and the girl.

"Wait a second. A fine piece like yourself can't honestly be satisfied with a girl like her" she says and suddenly I see a side of Josh I've never seen.

"A girl like what exactly?" he shouts getting our friends attention.

"Hey what's going on here?" Zay asks as he looks between the three of us.

"Nothing" I assure him grabbing Josh bringing him back to me.

"Baby let's just get out of here" I suggest but Josh is still looking at the girl annoyed. "Baby" I repeat making him look down at me. "Let's go." Josh looks down at me and I watch as his face softens.

"Fine" he gives wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Let's get out of here."


We get back to the ranch and Josh and I immediately head to our bedroom. I sigh as I plop down on the bed.

"I'm sorry about getting so upset" Josh apologizes as he lies down next to me.

"It's okay. I like protective Josh" I smile as I snuggle up next to him.

"I'm gonna miss this when we leave" Josh says as he wraps his arms around me.

"What?" I ask as I close my eyes.

"Falling asleep with you. I like having you next to me" he says as he kisses my forehead.

"I'd suggest climbing in my window but my dad would kill you if he caught us in bed together" I laugh and hear Josh join in.

"Someday though Hunter."

"Do you think we'll live together?" I ask suddenly curious.

"Eventually yea. I mean after you turn eighteen of course but yea. I'd love living with you" he says making me smile.

"Same" I say happily. "What about marriage? Are you really gonna marry me someday Matthews?" I ask teasingly.

"Someday" he says questioningly. "Damn Maya I planned a whole surprise wedding for tomorrow" he jokes making me hit him lightly.

"Shut up" I laugh playfully before continuing. "What about kids?"

"I want tons. I love kids, you know that."

"You are going to be the best dad" I say as I yawn making Josh chuckle.

"Okay dreamer. I think it's time for you to get some sleep. We'll talk more about our wedding and babies later" he teases pulling me closer as I nod off to sleep.

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