10. Aftermath

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I wake up the next morning and the first thought that comes to my head is Josh, as the scene from last night plays out in my head and I smile until I look over at my phone whose insistent blue light keeps flashing reminding me of the text from Zay. I know I should text him back but after last night I don't even know what I'd say. I flip my phone over and decide that I'm going to get some food before I attempt to sort out my now extremely complicated love life.

I climb out of bed and walk towards the kitchen hearing someone singing Bacon by Nick Jonas quietly. I laugh to myself as I listen to Josh sing as I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning pop star" I tease leaning up against the doorway.

"Maya" Josh says shocked. "How long have you been standing there?" he asks worriedly.

"Oh not long" I lie as I walk down the steps toward him. "But I'm unclear on the meaning of that song. Does Nick mean that bacon is better than the random girl in question" I tease.

"Alright so you heard the whole thing" he realizes as he laughs holding out a plate of pancakes with three strips of bacon.

"Not bad, but Nick is hotter" I tease looking up at him as I put down my plate of food on the table.

"Maybe, but I'm a better kisser" he teases back smiling down at me.

"How do you know that? Wait, have you made out with Nick Jonas?"

"Shut up Hunter" Josh says as he leans down to kiss me but I push him away taking a seat at the table and stuffing my face. "What's going on Hunter?" he asks as he sits on the other side of the table facing me.

"Zay texted me last night" I admit after I finish taking a bite of bacon.

"What are we doing Maya?" Josh asks seriously. "I mean if you want him, fine. I'll back off. But if you don't" he trails off looking at me expectantly.

"I don't know. I mean, I like you Josh. I. I really like you. But Zay" I trail off.

"If I broke things off with him would we be a couple, are you my boyfriend, or is this just another someday?" I ask confused as Josh stands up holding out his hand. "Where are we going?" I laugh as he takes my hand.

"Bay window" he answers as if it should be obvious. "It's not as nice as Riley's but she isn't up yet, and since she was asleep during our kiss last night I'm assuming she doesn't know yet, so me waking her up to borrow the bay window would be a little suspicious" he says as we both take a seat on the bay window in the living room.

Josh grabs my hand and looks at me sweetly as he says, "Maya, I'm going back to Philly in three days."

"I know that. What I don't know is what it means for us, if there even is an us" I reply afraid to look into his eyes. Unfortunately Josh realizes I'm avoiding his gaze so he lifts my chin with his hand so that my eyes are locked on his.

"Maya, I told you a year ago that I was in this with you. That hasn't changed, if anything my feelings for you have only gotten stronger. Maya, I'm in it for the long game. What about you?"

I look at Josh for a second in shock. I know that I should tell him it's game over, that I'm happy with Zay, but I know my answer before the words even leave my mouth, "I'm in it for the long game."

We spend the next few seconds staring at each other in disbelief of what we actually just agreed to. Josh and I were back in the long game and this time neither of us were willing to lose.


After me and Josh are done talking I walk back up to Riley's room and find her watching cute bunny videos on her laptop.

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