62. Epilogue

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January 23, 2021

"Remember when Riley stayed up all night talking to that Evan guy here?" I ask with a laugh as Josh and I sit on the bay window of the Mount Sun Lodge. We're visiting for the weekend before we head back to school next week, Josh finishing his last semester and me finishing my second year by the end of the spring.

"How could I not? I was a chaperone" he laughs as we sit across from each other. "Do you remember what else happened here?" he asks sweetly as he takes my hand in his.

"Josh" I smile playfully as I look into my boyfriend's eyes lovingly.

"Hm?" he asks as he looks back at me.

"Why have you let me hold onto you hand this entire time?" I tease as we both laugh, smiling at each other.

"What about what happened over here?" he asks as he tugs on my hand pulling me over to the fireplace, my heart swelling as memories flood my mind.

"I like you" I smile as we take a seat beside each other.

"I love you" he replies taking me by surprise as he catches my lips with his. "I really love you" he whispers as we pull apart.

"I love you too" I reply happily as I rest my forehead against his.

"I'm gonna love you forever you know" he smiles as he pulls back a bit. "Maya these past four years have been amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without you" he adds as I stare at him confused.

"Neither can I Josh" I smile as I scoot closer to him, "baby what's going on?"

"Maya I love you more than anything. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person I want to laugh with, cry with, the person I want everything with. I love you so much Maya" he says stumbling over his words.

"Josh what are you saying?" I ask as I stare into his blue eyes as he suddenly stands up, pulling out a ring box as I gasp looking up at him. He gets down on one knee in front of me, opening the box to reveal a stunning diamond ring.

"Maya Penelope Hunter, will you marry me?" he asks as my heart stops. I feel frozen as I look into his eyes, this was happening. Josh was asking me to marry him.

"Yes" I say quickly as I nod my head. "Of course I'll marry you" I exclaim as he slides the ring onto my finger, everyone around us clapping as his lips catch mine in a kiss.

June 16, 2024

"I can't believe you're my aunt" Riley laughs as her hands rest on her growing belly, her wedding band shining in the dancing lights around us at the reception. The wedding reception. My wedding reception.

"Legally yes but please do not ever call me Aunt Maya" I reply with a laugh as I pull her into my arms only to be interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turn to find my husband behind me, smiling widely. "Yes husband, did you need something?" I ask teasingly as I stare into Josh's blue eyes.

"Just my sexy wife" he smirks as he pulls me against him. "Can you believe we're married Maya Matthews?" he asks as a smile pulls at his lips while we spin on the dance floor.

"No" I answer honestly, "but I wouldn't want it any other way Joshua Matthews" I smile as I lean in to kiss him, his lips lingering on mine for a few extra seconds before I feel another tap on my shoulder.

"Mind if I borrow her?" Zay asks as Josh smiles, shaking his head.

"Nope. She's all yours. I'm gonna go steal Riley" Josh says as he kisses the top of my head before walking off. Zay takes my hand in his as he starts moving with me on the dance floor.

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