11. Too Far

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I wake up actually excited for today. Riley and I weren't fighting anymore and Josh and I were in it for the long game again. The only thing that threatened to ruin my day was the talk I knew I needed to have with him today. Of course I was enjoying our spontaneous make-out sessions and I knew I was falling for him but I needed to know if he was my boyfriend or not.

I get out of bed looking at the clock, it reads 8:05, at my house everyone would already be up at this point in the day, but here at the Matthews' they didn't wake up until at least ten. But I smiled walking out of Riley's room knowing one Matthews would be awake.

I walk down the hallway quietly, lighting knocking on Josh's door. It takes a few seconds but Josh eventually opens the door. I'm taken aback for a minute because there in front of me is Josh wearing nothing but his boxers. "Ummm, can we talk?" I ask trying not to make my staring obvious, but I can't help it. Josh's body was sculpted to perfection and I couldn't stop my eyes from wondering.

"Of course. Just give me a minute to get changed" he says probably noticing my gawking as he lets me into his bedroom before walking into the bathroom.

I sit down on his bed feeling extremely self-conscious since I didn't bother to change out of my pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. He returns from the bathroom a few minutes later wearing a tight black V neck and a pair of jeans that fit him well.

He comes to sit down beside me and takes my hands in his. "So what's up, gorgeous?" he asks sweetly making my heart swell at the nickname and all I want to do is lean forward and kiss him. And I know he'd let me, but I have to find out for sure what exactly being in it for the long game comprised of.

"Look Josh, I know we agreed that we were back in it for the long game, but I guess I'm just a little confused. The first time we said that I ended up dating Zay and you ended up dancing with some random slut at my parent's wedding. What does it mean this time?"

I hear Josh start to laugh and suddenly I'm filled with anger. "Josh, are you kidding me? I'm trying to have an actual, adult conversation with you and you laugh" I shout getting up off the bed. "You know what forget it, I think I already know where we stand." I exclaim as I start to walk towards the door when I feel his hand tighten around wrist.

"Maya" he says as he stands up moving his hand from my wrist to my hand holding it gently so that I don't walk away. "Maya" he starts again, "I was laughing because even though we are in the middle of a conversation about our relationship status you still found a way to call a girl a slut."

I'm suddenly extremely embarrassed, I hadn't even realized that I had called Kasey a slut. "Maya, is it possible that Kasey and I made you jealous?" he asks clearly amused.

"No, of course not!" I spit back at him, but he knows me better. He smiles at me and leans down to kiss me before pulling back a few seconds later.

"Maya, for the record there was nothing going on with me and Kasey" he assures me. "But that isn't the point right now. Maya, you know I care about you and I'd love to give this boyfriend and girlfriend thing a shot but I'm leaving tomorrow" he says sadly. I understand him completely but that doesn't keep my heart from sinking after the words leave his mouth.

Before Im able to respond I hear him mumble under his breath as if his idea was outrageous, "but there's always long distance."

"Did you just say long distance? As in you would be my boyfriend, from a far, but boyfriend?" I ask hopefully looking up at Josh since he's now broken away from me pacing the room frantically.

"I don't know Maya, long distance hardly ever works and I don't want this to not work out because I have to spend a few more weeks in Philly." He answers putting his hand on his neck, a nervous tick he's had as long as I've known him.

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