34. Home Sweet Home

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"I don't want to go home" I complain as we board our flight back to New York making Josh laugh as he pulls me along behind him.

"Maya we have to go back" he insists as he motions to our seats allowing me to scoot into the window seat while he stores our carry-ons above our seats.

"But" I start as he sits down next to me placing his hand over my mouth.

"No buts. We are going home Hunter" he says as he moves his hand away from my mouth and bringing it down to meet mine as he intertwines our fingers. I glance at my friends in the rows next to us and in front of us. Josh was right, it was time to go home but Texas was now one place I would happily never forget.


"You're back" my mom exclaims as I walk through the front door of our house.

"Hi mom" I laugh as she throws her arms around me. "Did you miss me or something?" I ask teasingly as we pull apart.

"More than words" she admits as she looks at me. "You got tan baby girl" she says making me laugh lightly as I push a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well I was outside a lot" I reply as Shawn walks into the room.

"Hey kiddo welcome home" he says sweetly making me smile as I run over to greet him.

"Thanks dad" I smile happily as I hug him.

"Where's Josh?" he asks as we pull apart making me giggle as I motion towards the doorway that my boyfriend was just now walking through.

"Getting Maya's bags because apparently her arms are broken" Josh says teasingly making me stick my tongue out at him causing a small laugh to escape his lips as he shakes his head at me.

"Did you have a nice trip?" my dad asks as Josh puts down my bags and plops onto the couch allowing me to sit next to him, draping my legs over his.

"Of course. Texas is beautiful" Josh says politely.

"So being alone with my daughter had nothing to do with your enjoyment?" my dad teases raising an eyebrow at Josh expectantly.

"We had a very good time Shawn and we behaved the whole time. I promise" he says honestly.

"Good" my dad smiles. "That's what I like to hear."

"Josh would you like to stay for dinner?" my mom asks Josh making him smile as he nods.

"I'd love that" he says politely as he kisses my cheek. "Let me help you" he adds as he pushes my feet off his legs and hops up to help my mom.

"He cooks. Keep him" my mom says making me blush as she gets up to make dinner.

"I plan to" I mumble under my breath smiling widely as I follow everyone into the kitchen.

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