44. Toasts and Announcements

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I sit down at the table beside Josh, Amy on the other side of him, seemingly keeping her distance from me. Riley and Lucas were sitting on the other side of me, looking as if they're both going to be sick. I knew this was going to be a disaster just from the annoyed looks Mr. Matthews was shooting Lucas from across the table. We all pile food onto our plates but before we can eat a single bite my dad stands up to give a toast.

"Well, everyone we made it through another crazy year. But I think it was our best yet. Maya and Riley are doing great in school, both getting into NYU early acceptance and they've both managed to find boyfriends that Cory and I can actually tolerate" he adds laughing lightly as he shares an amused look with his best friend. "But most importantly I want to make this toast to family. I was starting to think that I'd never have a real family but now I have an amazing wife, a daughter that I absolutely adore, and" he says looking down at my mom lovingly as she stands up next to him, taking his hand in hers before she shouts, "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!"

Josh shoots me a confused look making me laugh slightly. "You've been keeping secrets Hunter" he teases as he kisses my cheek. Everyone at the table exchange hugs and congratulations, including Riley and Lucas though they both look frightened that the time has come for their own announcement.

"Um, Lucas and I also kinda have an announcement." Riley says nervously as she stands up, all eyes on her and Huckleberry.

"You better not be pregnant" Topanga says sternly as she glances between the two of them.

"What? No. It's nothing like that, it's just" Riley trails off as she looks down at Lucas, urging him with her eyes to stand up beside her, which he does as he grips her hand tightly.

"We're moving in together this fall" Lucas announces carefully and that's when all hell breaks loose.


I'm not sure how long it takes before Matthews lunges at Lucas but I remember Shawn pushing my pregnant mother out of the way so that she wouldn't get hurt. I laugh as I watch Topanga and my dad try to keep Cory from killing Lucas by holding him back by his shoulders as Riley clings to Lucas protectively.

"You knew about this?" Josh asks me as he looks down at me confused. "Hunter how many secrets do you have?"

"That was the last one" I assure him, "I found out when I got here and for the record I told them not to tell Matthews."

"Yea, it's a good thing I didn't have to get his permission" he says as he looks at his brother, obviously pitying Lucas.

"Hold this a sec" I say handing Josh my cup full of punch that I had saved from the table. "Matthews" I start, walking up the two stairs that lead to the kitchen table. "Calm down. What's wrong?"

"He's what's wrong" he says calming down enough to the point that my dad and Topanga let him go. "Josh lived here for two years before he got his own place. There's no reason for Riley to move out already."

"But Matthews, what about me. I know that you know I'm moving in with your brother this summer" I argue, hoping to help Riley and Lucas.

"That's different" he says as he looks down at me.

"Why? Because I'm not your daughter" I say as my heart lurches and I watch as the same hurt clouds his face.

"Of course not, you know you're like a daughter to me Maya."

"So what is it then?" Topanga interjects. "Cory we knew this was going to happen sooner or later. And she doesn't need our permission. She's eighteen."

I finally look over at Riley and Lucas. Lucas has his arm around Riley and the two of them are staring at Matthews intently.

"Dad I love you but mom's right. I'm doing this whether you support me or not. But it would mean the world to me if you did support it" Riley explains as she breaks apart from Lucas, walking over to Matthews. "Please Dad." Riley begs as she looks up at him sweetly.

He looks down at her for a second before pulling her in for a hug. "Okay fine. But you have to let your mother and I check the place you choose so we can approve it first."

"Deal" Riley says as she pulls away from him, Lucas joining them and Cory pulling him in for a hug as well.

I walk back over to Josh and put my arm around him, looking up at him lovingly, "don't you love a good happy ending?"

He looks down at me, eyes sparkling, before leaning in to kiss me, muttering against my lips, "Yea, I do."

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