37. Cory Back Again

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Sadly a week and a half passes quite quickly. It's the first Monday of September and I'm dreading going to school. It's not that it was awful, it just wasn't as fun as spending every waking minute with my friends and Josh. Not that I had seen Josh much, college was hectic and he was already swamped with assignments. I climb out of bed and get ready quickly, throwing on a pair of white denim shorts and a black tank top that I paired with a pair of black wedges. I throw my hair up into a high ponytail and I head downstairs finding my parents both at the table talking in hushed tones.

"Everything okay?" I ask smiling lightly yet I was a little worried.

"Can I ask you a question?" my mom asks as I prepare myself a bowl of cereal before joining them at the table.

"Of course" I respond honestly, looking between my mom and dad confused.

"How would you feel about a sibling?" my mom asks making me drop the spoon I had just picked up.

"Um" I reply in shock. My mom and Shawn having a baby. I suppose it wasn't the worst thing. "Is this hypothetical or are you pregnant?" I ask confused.

"Well" my mom starts as my eyes widen.

"Mom you're pregnant" I exclaim, all apprehension out the window. "Mom this is amazing."

"Calm down kiddo. She hasn't been to a doctor yet. She just took a few tests" Shawn says, not actually getting the smile to leave my face. A new baby. I'd be moving into the dorms soon anyway and it was nice to know my parents wouldn't be alone, plus as much as Shawn loved me like his own daughter I knew he always wanted a baby of his own.

"Still" I smile widely. "When are you telling everyone?"

"If everything goes as planned when I go to the doctor we're planning on telling them towards the end of my first trimester. We don't want to get everyone excited if god forbid something happened to the baby since because of my age it is high risk" my mom explains as I nod. It made sense yet I was unsure how to keep something so huge from Josh and Riley.

"This includes Riles and Josh I'm assuming" I sigh as my mom nods.

"Sorry baby girl" she apologizes.

"It's okay" I assure her. "I can keep a secret."

"Good" my dad smiles. "You ready to go? I'm driving you today" he informs me as I nod, finishing off my cereal and placing it in the sink.

"Yep let's go."


"How?" I ask as I walk into history with Riley on my arm. I look at the chalkboard and find none other than Mr. Matthews standing in front of it.

"We've been Feenyed" Lucas exclaims making me laugh as he refers to Mr. Feeny, the teacher that followed Cory, Shawn, and Topanga through their entire school career.

"Would you all hush?" Mr. Matthews asks annoyed as he motions for us all to take our seats. The bell rings and Smackle and Farkle pile in late shocking us all.

"You're late?" Mr. Matthews exclaims. "How is that possible?" he asks making us laugh.

"Sorry we saw you and figured we had the wrong room number. We went to the Guidance office and asked them to check into the problem but they assured us that you are in fact our teacher again" Farkle says as he sits down in his seat, Smackle sitting behind him.

"Why are you all so shocked? It's been this way for years. You think you'd be rid of me for your final year here?" Mr. Matthews exclaims as Zay walks in with Vanessa on his arm.

"What subject are you teaching this year?" Zay asks as he takes a seat behind me, Vanessa filling in the last seat beside him.

"History Zay. Always history" Mr. Matthews assures him.

"Are you sure about that?" Zay asks making Mr. Matthews sigh as we all laugh. We all gave him a hard time but I knew we were all actually happy about him being our teacher yet again. It seemed our last year of high school may not be all that bad.


"Again" Josh laughs as we talk on the phone later that night. I had just finished my homework and I was climbing onto my bed to watch tonight's episode of Red Planet Diaries.

"Yep. Your brother is our history teacher a whopping seventh year in a row" I laugh as I flip to the appropriate channel.

"I'm not that shocked honestly" Josh replies making me laugh as I nod in agreement.

"Me neither I just find it funny" I admit as I pause the TV so I can finish my talk with Josh and then enjoy the episode in silence. "How are things at NYU?" I ask curiously.

"Overwhelming" he admits. "I've never had so much homework in my life" he adds sounding stressed.

"You'll get through it" I assure him. "You're super smart" I add hearing a soft chuckle on his end of the line.

"Thanks Maya" he replies sweetly. "I should probably be going, I have a ton of stuff to do and plus I know I'm holding up your show" he adds making me bite my lip to keep the smile from tugging at my lips.

"It's fine" I insist. "Riles already made me miss the biggest finale of the series when she got grounded" I explain making him laugh.

"I thought you both moved past that" he replies, referring to Riley and I's binge of the episodes we missed during the summer.

"We did" I assure him. "But I'm still never letting it go" I add making him laugh.

"Alright dork whatever you say" he replies amused. "I'll talk to you tomorrow gorgeous."

"Talk to you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you too" he replies before we hang up allowing me to finally unpause the TV and escape into my show.

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