12. Bad Timing

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We get a few episodes into the show when we hear Topanga call us down for dinner.

"Ready to go eat gorgeous?" he asks hopping off the bed.

"Yea sure" I say absentmindedly getting off the bed following after him.

"Nope" he says turning around stopping me as we reach the door. "Babe, we've been dating for less than twenty-four hours and I can already tell when you're upset. What's going on?" he asks worriedly.

"Nothing" I lie quickly trying to walk past him.

"Maya Penelope Hunter" he says annoyed. "Come on."

"Josh it's nothing. It's stupid" I insist.

"You are upset, therefore it isn't stupid."

"Josh. We're gonna be late for dinner" I say growing annoyed.

"I don't give a shit about dinner. Maya what's going on? If you changed your mind and you want out, just tell me" he says sadly.

"What?" I exclaim. "No nothing like that" I insist. "It's just. We just started going out, I'm gonna scare you off."

"You could never. What's going on?"

"Fine but I'm allowed to say I told you so if you freak out" Josh rolls his eyes annoyed but nods. "I love you" I say quickly closing my eyes afraid to see his reaction. I hear Josh laugh and feel his arms around me.

"That's why you're freaking out. Maya" he says pulling away from me slightly looking at me as if I was insane for thinking he'd be freaked out.

"I'm sorry. I just. I've liked you for so long and, it just kinda snuck up on me" I explain frazzled.

"Maya. It's okay. But-." He starts and I look down slightly disappointed.

"You don't feel the same way" I guess.

"Maya, it's not that I don't think I can, it's just that I don't yet. And I would hate to tell you I love you without being one hundred percent sure" he says sweetly.

"But you think you could love me?" I ask worriedly.

"Of course I do Maya" he says leaning down to kiss me. "Now come on. I'm starving" he says grabbing my hand as we walk downstairs. We let go as we reach the foot of the stairs walking in playfully.

"Sorry we're late. Josh was showing me his short film that he's entering in the NYU film contest" I lie easily as I go to take a seat but I realize there's a blonde cowboy in my spot. "Lucas why are you here?"

"Um, Maya, this is my girlfriend Riley. She actually lives here" he says laughing motioning to Riley.

"Shut up" I say annoyed. "That's my seat."

"Maya just go sit next to Josh" he says smirking making me want to slap him. But the space next to Josh is the only open one so I take a seat next to my boyfriend.

"So Josh, how is the short film going?" Topanga asks as she takes a bite of her chicken.

"It's going well" he says happily as he grabs a roll from the center of the table. "Maya has actually been really helpful" he says smirking down at me as he places his hand on my thigh. I shoot a look at him but he just smirks and keeps his hand where it is.

"What thoughts have you had Maya?" Cory asks and suddenly I'm extremely annoyed with my boyfriend. The only thoughts I've had about Josh since he got here was how I could get him alone so we could make out.

"Um" I stutter as Josh takes a sip of his water and I decide I need a distraction. I take my own hand and I place it on the inside of Josh's thigh making him choke on his water. I remove my hand quickly and act innocent as everyone stares at him.

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