28. Time to Go

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The rest of the school year drags on and on. It starts getting warmer outside, the homework starts to pile up right before exams, and I go through way too many bottles of Advil. But finally the bell rings on the final day of my junior year and I run out of Matthews' classroom. I hear Riley shout behind me asking where I'm running off to so fast but I don't answer her. I stop at my locker and grab my backpack that contains everything from my locker and run out the front doors of the building. My eyes scan the parking lot finally landing on Josh leaning up against his truck. He's wearing a black t-shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. I run towards him and jump into his arms my legs wrapping around him as I kiss him.

"The two of you act like you haven't seen each other in years. You literally saw each other this morning. He gave you a ride to school!" Riley complains as Josh puts me down.

"You're one to talk Riles. You and Ranger Rick were almost late to homeroom this morning because you were too busy making out. You're lucky too because Matthews would've killed you." I say laughing.

"No, he wouldn't my dad loves Lucas" she says looking up at her boyfriend proudly.

I laugh as I reply quietly, "he wouldn't if he knew what I knew." I look up at Riley and her face is beet red. I know she's the only one who heard me since Lucas and Josh are talking about the baseball game last night.

"Maya" she warns.

"Oh calm down Riles" I say as I walk over to her putting my arm around her. "Your secret's safe with me."

"Thanks Peaches."

Suddenly Josh appears next to me. "Well, niece as much as I'd like to stick around I have to get this one" he says looking down at me, "to her house so she can finish packing and we can make it to the airport...on time!" he emphasizes looking down at me.

"Hey, I am the most punctual person on the planet" I say laughing.

"Sure you are" he says nodding sarcastically.

"Stop" I say punching him lightly.

"Make me" he replies leaning down to kiss me.

"I thought you two had to leave" Riley interjects laughing.

Josh and I point at each other simultaneously and yell "you started it."

Riley's POV

Lucas walks over to me. "Are they weird or adorable?"

I laugh as I reply, "We're adorable, they're weird."


Back to Maya's POV

I open the door to the apartment with Josh on my heels. "Mom? Dad?" I yell as I take off my jacket placing it on the couch but I'm met with no answer.

"It seems we have the whole place to ourselves" Josh says as he wraps his hands around my waist kissing my neck.

"Oh No, Uncle Boing. You are NOT going to distract me. I need to pack, we have to be at the airport in two hours" I laugh trying to squirm out of his grasp but it's no use he's way too strong.

"Okay, so we mess around for a half hour, you take a half hour to pack, and then it takes forty minutes to drive there. We'll make it with twenty minutes to spare" he says turning me around to face him.

"You obviously have never gone on a trip with a girl before. I need at least an hour to pack. Which means NO messing around" I laugh as he starts to lean toward me.

"NO" I yell playfully as I try to get away from but his arms are still around me so I end up getting pulled back into him. I laugh as he looks down at me. "Okay fine ten minutes, then I really need to pack." I say finally kissing him. He laughs as he breaks away from me.

"See I told you it's always you that makes us late." I laugh knowing I'm never going to win this argument so instead I lean in and kiss him again but we're interrupted a few seconds later when the house phone rings.

"Why do you guys even still have one of those things?" Josh asks as I walk toward the kitchen to answer the phone on the wall.

"I don't know, Shawn wanted one. He says they're more reliable than cell phones or something" I say rolling my eyes as I answer the phone.

"Hello" I say into the phone.

"Hi, Peaches. Whatcha doin'?" I hear Riley tease on the other end of the phone.

"What do you want Riles?"

"Well, your parents are at my house, which means that you and my uncle are alone. Which means you're not packing and I knew if I called your cell you'd just decline me and then you'd be late, and then you'd miss our flight."

I laugh at my friend's exaggeration. "Riles, we weren't doing anything. Promise. I in the middle of packing, in fact this phone call is costing me precious time" I reply trying to convince my friend that she's wrong even though she couldn't be more right.

"Uh huh, then why'd you answer so fast?" As soon as she asks I know I'm caught. If I was in my room then it would've taken me at least an extra minute to get to the phone.

"How are you so smart?" I ask annoyed.

"It's a gift" she relies laughing. "Now pack. If we miss our flight Lucas will not be happy."

Riley hangs up and I do the same turning to Josh. "Come on" I say holding out my hand.

"Where are we going?" he asks walking up to me taking my hand.

"To my room" Josh's face lights up when I say this and I laugh hitting him again. "Not for that reason. Gosh. You're going to help me pack. Now come on." We're walking toward my bedroom his hand in mine when he leans down to whisper in my ear,

"You know I think you'd look pretty hot in some cowboy boots."

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