20. Secrets and Lies

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Sorry for the slow updates. I had my first Patho test this week (which I aced) and I was studying all week and when I wasn't studying I was in class or spending time with family because my aunt is getting married tomorrow. But again I thank you all for your patience and make sure to keep voting and commenting. I love to hear what you guys have to say so never be afraid to comment.


It's the Friday before Valentine's Day and I'm sitting in my bedroom working on my homework when my phone buzzes though I'm surprised when I realize it's not Josh.

HUNKALICIOUS: I need help!

MAYA: Well Zay the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem

HUNKALICIOUS: I hate you. I'm serious Maya. Can you keep a secret?

MAYA: Of course. What's up?

HUNKALICIOUS: Remember Vanessa?

MAYA: The cheerleader/ex-girlfriend

HUNKALICIOUS: Exactly. She's moving to New York

MAYA: What?!?!

HUNKALICIOUS: Ikr! I don't know what to do Maya?

MAYA: How about we talk about it at the mall. I need to get Josh a present for his birthday.

HUNKALCIOUS: Perfect. Pick you up tomorrow at 2 J

MAYA: Perfect J

As I send the text I receive one from the person I was expecting.

BOYFRIEND: You busy tomorrow?

MAYA: Ummm

BOYFRIEND: Take that as a yes

MAYA: I'm sorry! I thought we weren't hanging out tomorrow L

BOYFRIEND: I got tickets to the Knicks game. Its fine I'll ask Riles

MAYA: Sorry L

I feel awful but I was going shopping for his birthday. He would totally understand if he knew all the facts. I hope.


"Hey Zay?" I ask as Zay and I walk hand in hand through the mall. He was still one of my best friends and this was always how we walked around together, I guess some habits were hard to break. But of course things had changed. Zay no longer rubbed his thumb over my hand and I no longer played with our fingers, now we just held hands swinging them back and forth playfully.

"What?" Zay asks as he looks at me.

"Do you think Josh is gonna be pissed when he finds out I blew off a date to hang out with you?"

"If he is that's not really fair. I mean we are shopping for him and plus you made plans with me before you knew he had the tickets. Stop worrying" Zay says squeezing my hand. "Now come on, let's go to the bookstore." We walk in and we head right for the fiction section grabbing the book with the most ridiculous cover and googling it immediately.

It was a game we played, each one of us would find the book with the weirdest, funniest, or trashiest cover and then google it, finding out about the whole book and then deciding which book you could actually judge by its cover. As I'm googling I sneak a look at Zay and smile. I was so happy that he was back in my life.



No. No. Maya would never. These are the thoughts that are running through my head as I look for Josh's birthday present as Barnes and Noble. I stumble upon my blonde best friend and the boy who I thought was her ex but now I'm not so sure. They looked so comfortable. They were laughing and Zay had his arm around her. I take out my phone and snap a few pictures. Maya was my person but at the end of the day Josh was my uncle. I couldn't let her do this to him.


When Zay and I finally share the synopsis of our stories I double over in laughter and I almost fall over causing Zay to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

"You okay?" he laughs and I nod my head as a worker comes up to us.

"I got a noise complaint. The two of you need to leave" she insists and Zay and I look at each other confused.

"Um I need to get my boyfriend a birthday present" I say as I compose myself.

"Too bad. Out" the worker shouts and Zay and I follow her instructions standing up quickly running out of the store. As soon as we leave the store we both share a look and start to laugh again.

"Just like old times" Zay laughs smiling at me. "I missed you Maya."

"I missed you too Zay" I say pulling him into my arms glad to have my friend back.



"Riley I don't care what pictures you have. Maya would never cheat on me! She loves me" I insist as my niece continues to bug me during halftime.

"She loved Zay too and I actually think she still does. Josh just look at the pictures" Riley begs.

"Riley I don't need pictures. Did Maya cheat on Zay? Yes. But I promise she is not cheating on me. Where did you see her today?"

"The mall" Riley says smiling. I pull out my phone and compose a text to Maya.

JOSH: Hey gorgeous J


JOSH: How's your day going?


JOSH: What'd you do?

HUNTER: Nothing much. Hung out with some people. I'm actually at dinner right now. Can I text you later?

Suddenly my blood runs cold.

JOSH: Who are you hanging out with?

HUNTER: Farkle. He and Smackle are treating me to dinner. I g2g. Love you J

I log onto Facebook and search Farkle and I'm met with the exact answer I was looking for. Farkle was out of town on business, he updated his status from California an hour ago. My eyes start to fill with tears. I stand up and bolt out of my chair. I hear Riley call out for me but I don't care. Maya really was cheating on me with Zay. This whole thing was probably just some big plan to get back at me for 3 year zoning her for so long. I couldn't believe it. I thought she loved me.


Maya's POV

I put my phone down and I feel my heart sink. I hated lying but I couldn't tell him I stood him up to hang out with my ex and the only way to make that sound better was to tell him why I was hanging out with Zay and I couldn't do that until next week. That was the solution to everything, once Josh got his Valentine's Day/Birthday present everything would be perfect.

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