7. Awkward Run-Ins and Triple Dates

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I wake up the next morning feeling awful when I realize it's Monday, but as I open my eyes and look around the room I realize that I'm still at Riley's making me remember that Riley are and are excused this whole week because of the wedding.

I sit up in bed looking over to my right to look for Riley but she's gone. I climb out of bed and start walking towards the kitchen. As I get closer I hear only Josh and Riley's voices. I take a deep breath debating whether or not I'm going to go into the kitchen, but the sound of my stomach grumbling makes my mind for me. I walk into the kitchen causing Riley to look up at me, she smiles brightly.

"Good morning Peaches."

"Morning" I say as I sit down at the table avoiding eye contact with Josh. I didn't know what to say to him. Did we need to talk about our almost kiss yesterday or did I need to thank him for tucking me into bed last night? My mind couldn't stop racing.

"You okay?" I hear snapping me back into reality as my phone vibrates seconds before Riley's goes off.

ZAY: Your amazing boyfriend misses you! Date night?

I look up at Riles smiling and curious as to if she got the same sort of text from Lucas.

"Huckleberry invite you on a date?" I ask curiously as she nods. "Well then, it looks like we have a double date tonight" I smile as I turn my attention to Josh. "Meaning yes Josh, I'm more than okay" I say happily before looking down at my phone.

MAYA: Miss you too! How does 6 o'clock tonight at Topanga's sound?

ZAY: Sounds perfect 😊


"Hey Maya?" I hear at the door of Riley's room as I'm putting the finishing touches on my hair.

"Yes Josh?" I ask looking at him briefly as he leans on the doorway.

"I think we need to talk, you know about" he trails off but I cut him off quickly.

"Josh. Nothing happened. There's nothing to talk about. All I have to do is thank you for last night. That couch and my neck don't get along very well, so thank you for carrying Riles and I in here" I say seriously.

"Don't mention it. It wasn't a big deal. Have fun on your date" he responds quickly before leaving the doorway.

I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was curled perfectly, the dark blue dress I was wearing hugging all my curves, and I was more than in love with my black heeled boots, but for some reason I didn't feel pretty at all. I sigh as Riley walks into her bedroom.

"Peaches you look amazing" she smiles as she looks at my outfit.

"Thanks Riles" I say as enthusiastically as possible. "Ready to go?"

"Yep. Our dates await" she smiles linking her arm in mine as we climb out the bay window.


When we get to Topanga's its super busy but luckily most of the regulars know not to sit on the couch or the surrounding furniture so we're all able to file into our usual seats. Riley and I sit down and not five seconds later Zay and Lucas walk through the door with Farkle and Smackle in tow.

"Mind if we make this a triple date?" Lucas asks smiling goofily at Riley.

"Of course not. Hi Farkle. Hi Smackle" Riley greets as they all file in around us.

"Hello Riley. Thank you for letting Farkle and I crash your evening" Smackle says politely.

"You're not crashing Smackle. You're our friends, you can hang out with us whenever you want" I say as Zay wraps his arm around me.

"Thanks Maya" Farkle says happily before continuing. "I do have a question though. Have any of you started the English assignment that Harper assigned today?"

"Um Farkle, Riles and I aren't in school this week" I laugh.

"Oh right" Farkle says uncomfortably, "never mind" he says shaking off his question.

"What's the matter Farkle?" Riley asks sweetly.

"Nothing, it's just. It's Shakespeare and I hate Shakespeare" Farkle complains. "It's all confusing, why can't we just skip English and only worry about math and science, numbers and reason make so much more sense."

"I could help you" Zay volunteers.

"Or" I say cutting my boyfriend off as I get excited, "you could start a homework rebellion" I suggest.

"No" all of my friends shout as they laugh.

"Zay why are you laughing you weren't even there" I laugh looking at my boyfriend.

"So? I've heard the story like a million times" he explains as he continues to laugh.

"What story" I hear from a voice beside me. I avoid looking up as Lucas answers Josh's question.

"The one about the homework rebellion that Maya led in seventh grade" Lucas answers staring at Riley no doubt remembering that as the day he held his jacket over the two of them so Riley wouldn't get soaked.

"Homework rebellion?" Josh asks.

"It's a long story" I say trying to get the attention off of me as I finally look up at Josh, but as soon as I do I regret it because standing next to him is the girl he danced with at the wedding. "And by the way Matthews, it's rude not to introduce people" I say pointing toward the annoyingly stunning brunette.

"Oh, yea" Josh says as if he forgot she was even standing next to him. "This is Kasey, she's Angela's niece." We all introduce ourselves to Kasey politely and if I'm not mistaken Josh looks a little uncomfortable when it's my turn to introduce myself.

"I'm Maya" I smile as I hold out my hand.

"Nice to meet you" she says happily as she shakes my hand.

"Well we should be going" Josh says as soon as I'm done with my introduction. "See you guys later" he continues before he and Kasey bolt out of Topanga's. For a second we all stare at each other unsure what to do since our nice peaceful evening was interrupted but then I have an idea.

"You know tonight's been fun, we should really get together more often" I say smiling as my friends nod their heads.

"In fact, you know, we haven't had a game night in like, forever and Cory, Topanga, and Auggie have parent teacher conferences tomorrow night and Josh has some prep thing at NYU so they won't be home. Why don't you guys come over?" I suggest and for a second they all just look at me and I think for sure that Riley is going to yell at me for inviting our friends over for a night of unsupervised games but suddenly they all start nodding in agreement.

I can barely contain my excitement as I exclaim, "perfect, the games start at 5."

A/N: Sorry for the late update! Was super busy today, but I hope you guys liked the chapter! What do you think's going to happen at game night?

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