39. Anniversary Surprise

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"You don't have any idea where he moved?" I ask Riley a couple weeks later as I stand in my bedroom getting ready for tonight. We were Skyping while I got ready for my date with her uncle, not just any date though. Tonight was our anniversary. I was beyond excited and I couldn't wait to celebrate with him.

"Not a clue" she says seriously. "He snuck out while I was at school. I'm pretty sure my parents know but America's Sweethearts are keeping their mouths shut" she complains making me laugh lightly as I swipe lip gloss over my lips. "You look amazing by the way Peaches" she adds making me smile as I look down at my phone.

"Thanks Riles" I reply happily as I hear the doorbell ring. "That's probably Josh. I'll call you when I get home" I assure her making a smirk play at her lips.

"You better. I want every detail" she says making me roll my eyes playfully as we quickly say our goodbyes. I smooth out my long black dress, with a sexy slit up the side and I check my red pumps one last time before grabbing my clutch and heading out to the living room finding my parents grilling my boyfriend with questions.

"And what time will she be home?" my dad asks making Josh smile as he plays along.

"She'll be home at midnight Shawn I promise" Josh assures my dad before his eyes land on me. I watch his eyes scan my slim figure until finally his brilliant blue eyes land on mine. "You ready to go gorgeous?"

"More than" I reply as I take his hand in mine as he walk out the door.


The drive is taking forever, and after about a half hour I'm convinced Josh is taking me to the edge of the universe. "Josh where are we going?" I ask laughing lightly as I scan my surroundings, hoping to cling to any sense of familiarity.

"It's a surprise!" he replies teasingly as he takes my hand in his, interlocking our fingers.

"No. No more surprises." I insist though I couldn't fight the smile that played on my lips at the thought of yet another surprise.

"Just one more, I promise it'll be worth it" he replies smiling as he brings my hand up to his lips, leaving a soft kiss. After a few more minutes we finally reach our destination and I look up at the building confused.

"Josh where are we?" I ask confused as he climbs out of the truck walking over to my side of the truck and helping me out. He holds his arm out for me to take which I do graciously though I'm so completely lost both figuratively and physically.

"Just follow me" he insists as he leads me into the tall building. It appears to an apartment building and I suddenly realize that he must be showing me his new apartment, though this raises a new question. If this was just his new place what was the surprise?

"Josh what are we doing here?" I ask as we reach a door marked 207. Josh pulls out a key unlocking the door and holding it open for me to step across the threshold. When I enter the apartment I'm met with all of Josh's things filling the modest sized place. I realize I was right, this was definitely his place but I was confused as to why it seemed to be a secret until now. "Josh what is going on?" I ask finally as I look at him curiously.

"Well, I'm a sophomore in college and you're a senior in high school and I figure since we're both going to NYU next year" he smiles remembering the day I got early acceptance, "maybe, you might want to I don't know move in with me next year" he says holding out another key identical to the one he used to unlock the door earlier. My jaw hits the ground as my head wraps around what was happening. The reason he was so secretive about his place was because it was never supposed to be his place, it was supposed to be our place.

"Josh. This. This is crazy" I say at a loss for words, overwhelmed as I look around the living room and the adjoining kitchen.

"Maya, if you don't want to it's okay. It was just an idea, but I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do" he says sweetly making a smile pull at my lips.

"What will my parents think?" I ask suddenly worried about their reaction to me moving in with my boyfriend, my older, sexy, college, boyfriend.

"They thought I was insane" he said laughing.

"Wait you talked to them about this?" I ask as my head spins.

"Of course I did. The last thing I need is to be murdered by Shawn" he adds making me laugh. "He thought I was insane for asking but I reminded him that it's really no different than if we were in dorms and dating. We'd end up in each other's beds anyway, the only difference there is that we have better access to alcohol" he adds making me laugh.

"Nice argument" I smirk as I bite my lip. "So they're really okay with it?" I ask and he nods.

"They're fine with it" he assures me. "But look if you need some time to think that's okay" he starts rambling but I cut him off as I take a step towards him.

"Okay." I reply quickly making his eyes go wide.

"Okay?" he asks. "As in?" he trails off in disbelief.

"As in yes, Josh I'd love to move in with you." I say smiling as I grab the key out of his hand. I take the key and throw it on the table behind me before looping my arm around his neck and pulling his lips to mine. He kisses me back heatedly, his tongue looking for entrance into my mouth which I happily grant as we stumble into the wall. I reach out and pull off his suit jacket as I step out of my heels making him laugh against my lips as I lose several inches, becoming shorter than him once again as his hands move to the back of my thighs, lifting me up and allowing my legs to wrap around his waist. He carries me down the short hallway, into his bedroom, our bedroom, I remind myself as he lays me on the bed. He falls on top of me, our lips moving together quickly as I reach up to unbutton his shirt, but before I'm able to get more than three buttons undone he pulls back and sits up on the bed across from me.

"Maya" he warns as he bites his red, swollen lips.

"What?" I ask acting innocent as I sit up, combing through my blonde locks and batting my long lashes.

"You know what" he says laughing.

"I wasn't doing anything!" I exclaim playfully as I scoot closer to him.

"You're trouble" he says as he jumps off the bed making me laugh.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who brought me in here. Technically this is your fault" I reply as I start to follow him back into the living room.

"Oh yea, then why are you still fully clothed and my suit jacket is on the couch?" he asks looking at me pointing to the jacket I had discarded from his body.

"Whatever, you only encouraged me by taking me in there" I laugh pointing to our room.

"Maya" he says looking at me expectantly.

"Okay fine. I have no self-control. But have you looked at yourself lately. It's not fair that you get to look like that and I have to keep my hands to myself." I say pouting as I cross my arms across my chest.

"It's only a few more months, then your hands can go where ever they want" he teases as he takes a hesitant step towards me.

"Is that a promise" I ask teasing back as I close the distance between us, looping my arms around his neck.

"Most definitely" he says before placing a soft kiss to my lips. "Now I'm starving so let's get out of here" he says grabbing his key off the hook next to the door. I grab my own key and put in my purse before walking out the door with Josh's arm around me as we walk back out to his truck. "So did you like your surprise?" he asks me as he hold open the door for me.

"I loved my surprise. I just can't wait until I can actually move in, it's going to be perfect." I say looking over at him smiling.

"Of course it will be because it'll be me and you. I'll be our own little perfectly complicated life."

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