18. Reassurance

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Back to Maya's POV

It's a few days later and Riley and I are sitting at Topanga's waiting for our boyfriends to show up.

"Come on Riles, it's been almost a week and you still haven't told me anything about New Year's."

"Maya, you know what happened on New Year's. Why do we have to talk about it?"

"Because I'm your best friend" I exclaim. "And I told you about what Josh and I did" I add trying to convince her.

"What you and Josh did is a little different Maya" she laughs no doubt remembering the dress story I had told her a couple of days ago.

"Riles, I know that. But let's not forget if it weren't for me, you and Lucas wouldn't have even had your moment" I fire back and as soon as the words are out of my mouth I know I got her.

"Fine" she says giving in and starting to smile. "It was amazing Maya. Better than I could've even imagined" she says grinning from ear to ear.

Suddenly, our boyfriends appear next to us.

"What's amazing?" Lucas asks looking at his girlfriend as he takes a seat next to her across from me. Riley's cheeks turn red obviously embarrassed.

"You are" Riley says saving herself as she leans over to kiss Lucas. I laugh and look over at my boyfriend who has taken a seat next to me.

"Hi" I say.

"Hello, gorgeous." I blush hearing him use his old nickname for me as he leans over to place a brief kiss on my lips before we turn our attention back to Riley and Lucas.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Riley asks.

"Well, I need a new dress for my birthday dinner with mom and dad" I say looking at the group.

"Perfect. Mall, mall right now." Riley says standing up.

Josh and Lucas moan obviously not too happy about the shopping plan. I see Riley shoot a look at Lucas and I watch him stand up and take her hand as they exit the café.

"Come on Josh. It'll be fun." I insist looking down at Josh who is still sitting on the chair.

"What could possibly be fun about going to the mall?"

"Well" I start teasingly. "I need a new dress and if you're lucky maybe I'll let you help me pick it out."

He smirks before finally getting up taking his hand in mine, "okay deal", he says as we start to walk out of the café hand in hand. As we catch up with Riley and Lucas he leans down to whisper in my ear. "But this one better have a zipper" he teases and I can't help but blush knowing that my dress would definitely have a zipper.


We're at our fifth store looking for a dress for me to wear to my birthday dinner. Riley and Lucas are in Toys R Us next door no doubt looking at stuffed bunnies and horses. I laugh to myself as the thought crosses my mind. Josh and I are in Forever 21 and we're scouring the clearance rack.

"How about this one?" Josh asks holding up a black dress. I look at the dress and then down at myself and I laugh. By my calculations that dress would barely reach my mid-thigh, let alone even make it close to my knees, my dad would murder me, and then he'd probably murder Josh for looking at me.

"Josh this dress is for a nice dinner with my family. Not a night in your bedroom" I say laughing as he rolls his eyes placing the dress back on the rack. I continue to scan the racks until I come across a dark blue high-low number with lacy sleeves.

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