54. Sister Surprise

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"Josh" I exclaim as he plops me down onto our bed. It's a week later on Friday night and I'm spending the night again. Josh is taking full advantage of this of course, wasting no time in bringing me to our bedroom. It was only a little past four and we were going to dinner in an hour.

"What?" he asks innocently as he climbs on top of me, making me giggle as his lips start running down my neck.

"You're trouble" I tease as his lips hover over mine.

"You say that but you know that the second the word no leaves your lips I'll stop. Yet I hear nothing" he smirks making me shake my head smiling up at him.

"Fine then we're both trouble" I smirk as his lips catch mine but no sooner do our lips meet that the doorbell rings. "Expecting someone?" I ask curiously.

"You. In our bed" he smirks as he climbs off me reluctantly, heading into the living room. I follow after him, leaning against the entryway of our hallway as he opens the door.

"Joshie" Morgan shouts as she throws her arms around Josh taking my boyfriend by surprise.

"Morg? What the hell are you doing in New York? At my apartment?" he asks as they pull apart, allowing Josh to close the door.

"I missed you. Plus I wanted to finally meet Maya" she smiles as she looks over at me. "And you must be her."

"Um yea, I'm Maya Hunter" I smile as I walk over to her, being pulled into a hug.

"Hunter? Right. Your mom married Shawn."

"Yep" I smile happily. "A little over three years ago."

"They happy?" she asks as I nod.

"My mom's pregnant actually" I inform her making a grin spread across her face.

"Aw. Baby Shawn" she gushes making me laugh as Josh rolls his eyes playfully.

"Sis no offense but why are you here?" Josh asks again.

"I honestly just wanted to visit. Being in Philly with mom and dad is not the best thing ever. They're pissed."

"I don't care. I'm not a baby, they can't make decisions for me."

"I know that. Matthews boys are stubborn when it comes to their women" Morgan laughs lightly. "Though you don't seem slutty" she adds as she looks at me.

"Oh my god" Josh moans in annoyance.

"I'm the world's worst kind of slut. The virgin kind" I laugh as I sit on the couch, Morgan following my lead.

"You and my baby brother?" she asks confused.

"Nope" I reply popping the p.

"If you would've given us like twenty more minutes" Josh smirks as he sits on the chair across from us.

"Oh I interrupted" she guesses as she looks between the two of us. "Sorry."

"It's no big deal. We've been waiting for over two years" I assure her, laughing lightly.

"Yea mom is crazy. She's not slutty" Morgan says making me laugh.

"I'm aware that my girlfriend isn't a slut but thank you for your input Morg" Josh says laughing as he goes over to the fridge pulling out a beer. "How long are you in town?" he asks as he takes a swig of his beer.

"Just today and tomorrow" she shrugs. "I'm hitting up Cory's tomorrow."

"Oh my god no. You have to stay. You can go prom dress shopping with me, Riley and our friends. Come on please" I beg, wanting to spend time with the girl that could potentially be my sister in law one day.

"When are you going shopping?"

"Next weekend. Come on please" I beg as Josh chuckles.

"Come on Morg. It's not like you're working right now" Josh helps making me smile.

"Okay fine" she smiles. "I'll stay. But I have to leave right after that" she adds but I don't care. I'm happy to have her around for as long as she'll stay.

"Yay" I exclaim as I throw my arms around her, seeing a smile spread across Josh's face.

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