55. The Search is On

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"So are you excited for prom?" Morgan asks as her and I drive towards the Matthews loft to pick up Riley. She was driving her car she had driven from Philly while I rode shotgun.

"A whole night dancing with the boy I love and having one last amazing night with my best friends, of course I'm excited" I smile as I glance over at her.

"Okay but real talk, have you really not slept with my brother? I won't tell my parents" she says making me laugh as I shake my head.

"We wanted to wait until I turned eighteen and since then we've gotten interrupted every time it's about to happen. So real talk, I have never had sex with your brother."

"He's gonna want it to be perfect anyway" Morgan smiles. "He told me he wishes he would've waited for you" she adds as she looks over at me at a red light. "We talked all about you when you went back to New York and he stayed in Philly. He really loves you."

"I love him too. I have no idea how anyone can do what she did to him" I sigh as we pull up to the loft, Morgan texting Riles to let her know we're here.

"I'm glad to hear that. The last thing I want is to see my baby brother hurt again."

"Hey" Riley exclaims as she climbs in the car.

"Hey, you ready to shop?" Morgan asks excitedly as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"Of course. Prom dresses here we come."


We meet up with Vanessa and Smackle at Macy's and the search begins immediately. Riley and Vanessa bolt over to the more brightly colored dresses while Smackle and I stay near the darker colors.

"My prom dress was pink" Morgan smiles as she scours the racks of dresses. "Of course that didn't matter much seeing as though it was on the floor of a hotel room" she starts as I look at her raising an eyebrow at her.

"None of this leaves this store" she says making me laugh as I continue to look through the dresses. "But as cliché as it sounds, it was actually amazing" she smiles as Smackle brushes by me, a dress in hand as she walks over to the dressing room.

"You lost it on prom night?" I ask as she nods.

"I was young and in love. It was everything a first time should be" she says happily as the thought runs through my mind. Prom night. She was right it was definitely cliché but honestly nothing else about Josh and I'd relationship was normal, why couldn't this one thing be?

"I think I found my dress" Smackle announces as she steps out of the dressing room, a sea green high low dress hanging off her small frame. The jewels added the right amount of sparkle and she looked amazing.

"Farkle is gonna love it" I say seriously as I look at her, my friends nodding in agreement

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"Farkle is gonna love it" I say seriously as I look at her, my friends nodding in agreement. She smiles brightly as she turns back to the room, changing back into her clothes while the rest of us resumed our search.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, smiling when I find Riley behind me. "What do you think?" she asks as she holds up a yellow dress for my approval.

"It reminds me of sunshine just like you, it's perfect" I reply smiling. "You gotta try it on."

"Have you found something?" she asks curiously as I shake my head.

"Nope but I will. Now go try on the dress" I insist as she smiles, running off to try on the dress.

"You still haven't found one?" Vanessa asks as she comes up behind me, a red dress over her shoulder.

"No. It has to be perfect" I sigh as she lets out a soft laugh.

"Maya this is Josh we're trying to impress. You could wear a sac and he'd think you look amazing. Trust me" she smiles as she walks off towards the dressing room.

"What do you think Peaches?" Riley asks, modeling the yellow dress from before. It's floor length with sheer straps over the sweetheart neckline. It's shimmery and yellow and it encompasses Riley's sunshine perfectly.

"I think Lucas is gonna love it

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"I think Lucas is gonna love it." I smile as Morgan appears next to me.

"Aw. My niece is so pretty" she exclaims making Riley laugh as she spins around, Morgan clapping. I chuckle as my eyes suddenly land on a dress across the store. I sprint over to grab it, rushing back over to the girls.

"Zay is gonna be blown away" Smackle insists as Vanessa walks out of the dressing room wearing a strapless red dress with a slit running up the leg.

"He's gonna love it" I insist as I head into the dressing room, slipping into the dress I found

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"He's gonna love it" I insist as I head into the dressing room, slipping into the dress I found. As I turn to look at myself in the mirror I can't help but smile. It's floor length, sweetheart neckline and three slits around the waistline. It was the perfect balance of sexy and classy and I loved it.

"What do you guys think?" I ask as I emerge from the dressing room smiling

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"What do you guys think?" I ask as I emerge from the dressing room smiling.

"Josh is gonna pass out" Morgan says seriously making me laugh.

"He's gonna be speechless" Riley agrees. "It's perfect Peaches."

"I think so too" I smile as I run my hands down the dress. Between the dress, my friends, and the idea that Morgan had given me I knew that prom was going to be perfect.

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