60. Graduation

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It's finally graduation day and I wake up in the morning in Josh's arms. I break free of Josh's grip, climbing out of bed so I can go take a shower. I pick out my outfit for today and walk into the bathroom, stripping down and stepping into the shower. I turn on the water, letting it cascade over my body hearing the bathroom door open and after a few more seconds. I smile as I suddenly feel Josh's hands on my waist and his lips on my neck.

"May I help you?" I ask playfully as I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yep" he smirks as his lips land on mine, pushing me back against the wall as his hands roam my body. A sigh escapes my lips as his lips leave mine, trailing down my neck. I feel his hand moving lower, my body arching into his as my breath comes out fast and hard. The tension builds becoming too hard to fight off as my body gives out against his.

"I should probably let you finish your shower, huh?" he whispers into my ear as I find it hard to catch my breath.

"Probably, or else I'm going to miss my own graduation" I reply breathlessly as I lock eyes with him.

"Alright" he smiles before leaning down to kiss me one last time before climbing out of the shower and heading into our room to get dressed. I shake my head in disbelief as I even out my breathing, letting the water fall over me.

If someone would've told me two years ago that I would be dating Josh Matthews I would've laughed in their face and called them crazy, but here we were, together and happy in our own little Josh and Maya world.


When we get to the school Josh goes to sit with the rest of our family while I go to join the rest of my class. I spot my friends and walk over to them. Riley is already crying and Lucas is holding on to her making me smile as I think about my party tomorrow. "Hey guys" I exclaim as I join them.

"Hey Maya" Zay says. "You ready for this?" he asks and suddenly it hits me. I'm graduating today, this is my last day at Abigail Adams High. The place that holds so many amazing memories with my favorite people in the world. I start to cry and suddenly I'm pulled into a large group hug with all of my friends. After we pull apart there are tears falling down all of our faces and suddenly we hear Matthews come up behind us.

"It's time" he announces, his eyes already puffy like he's been crying all morning. We all line up and pomp and circumstance starts playing as we walk into the gym. I sit in a row with all my friends, our hands joined together as tears threaten to fall from our faces at any second. There are a few opening remarks said but suddenly it's time for the Valedictorian speech. Farkle and Smackle walk up to the podium hand in hand making me smile.

"We have spent over 700 days in this building" Smackle starts. "We've laughed, we've cried, and complained while anxiously awaiting the day when it would finally be over. And today it is."

"We spend over 700 days in this building" Farkle continues. "And we think it's crazy that we have to spend so much time here, but now that it's ending it suddenly feels as if we haven't spent enough time here."

"These past four years here have been some of the best of my life but if someone would've told me that on my first day here I would've laughed in their face. But yet here I am. Happy and at the top of my class next to the person I love the most in the world" Smackle continues, smiling at her boyfriend lovingly.

"We spend four years here and we laugh when people tell us to enjoy it while it lasts. Wondering how anyone could actually enjoy high school. But somehow along the way something unexpected happens. We actually do end up enjoying it. We end up making a group of friends that we know we'll have for rest of our lives. We end up falling in love, and falling out of love, and then back again" Farkle says laughing through the tears that are now falling down his face. "We end up staying up all night too busy making memories to actually care about sleep or the awful headache we'll all have come Monday morning. Somehow, without even realizing it, we end up having the time of our lives. But today high school ends."

"And while we may all be sad, the fact of the matter is that this is just the beginning. We all have so much life to live still. So instead of looking at today as your finish line look at today as your starting point. The day where high school may be ending but the rest of your life is just beginning."

I wipe my tears off my face as Farkle and Smackle come to join the rest of us. I feel Riley's hand on mine and I look up noticing that she too is a puddle of tears. Mr. Matthews appears at the podium again, tears staining his face as well.

"When the school asked me if I would hand out the diplomas at this year's graduation I jumped at the offer. I know some of you may laugh thinking I only say this because my daughter happens to be one of today's graduates, but you would be wrong. I have spent the past six years with the kids sitting in front of me" he says starting to tear up again. "When they were in eighth grade I taught them the lesson that people change people. I look down at my daughter who befriended a crazy seven year old that climbed through her window. The same girl that was once filled with sadness and pain, now filled with hope and happiness. I look at a young man who got expelled from his school in Texas only to come here and make a new life for himself, getting good grades, making new friends, and falling in love my daughter. People change people, it's something that I will say over and over again and it's something that I hope you all keep with you for the rest of your lives." He says looking down at all of us. "I am so proud of all of you and I am so glad that I got to be your teacher. So thank you for the best six years of my life and congratulations." At this point my friends and I are all squeezing each other's hands crying our eyes out.

Our principal walks up to the podium and starts announcing names. Zay is called up first followed by Lucas and then it's my turn.

"Maya Hunter" my principal announces. I walk onto the stage and walk up to Mr. Matthews who hands me my diploma and I start to feel the tears pour down my face.

"Congratulations Maya. I am so proud of you" he says pulling me in for a hug

"Thank you so much for everything Matthews" I say sobbing.

We pull apart and next is Riley. I walk back to my seat as I watch Riley walk up onto the stage hugging her dad as he hands her her diploma tears streaming down her face. Riley walks off the stage as Farkle's name is called and once she reaches me I hold her hand in mine. "Thunder?" I ask her quietly. "Lighting" she answers. After Farkle, Vanessa is called and lastly Smackle.

Once we all have our diplomas Matthews appears at the podium one last time. "Everyone turn your tassels" he says and we all obey. "Congratulations Class of 2019. You did it!" he yells and we all stand up and throw off our caps. I turn to face all of my friends and suddenly we are all in a group hug. I look around at all of my friends and smile through my tears. These people are my family and I know that no matter what happens in the years to come nothing would ever change that.

A/N: Only one more chapter and then the epilogue 😢

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