30. Triangle Part 2?

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I'm woken up the next morning by someone knocking loudly on the door. I grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time. 7:30 a.m. I sigh loudly before detaching myself from Josh as I climb out of bed. I open the door and Ranger Rick is standing on the other side of the door.

"Huckleberry it is 7 in the morning! What could you possibly want?" I say annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I know it's early. I just. I need to talk to you" he says quickly stumbling over his words.

"At 7 in the morning? Come back when the sun is up." I reply attempting to close the door but his foot catches it.

"Maya please" he pleads and I sigh.

"Fine. 5 minutes." I say closing the door behind me quietly careful not to wake up Josh who was still fast asleep in bed. Lucas and I walk down the hallway and end up on the porch. I take seat on the top step and Lucas does the same.

"I think this trip was a bad idea" he says abruptly.

"What? Why? Huckleberry we just got here" I say confused.

"I know but I think it's upsetting Riley" he says and suddenly I'm more than interested in what he has to say. This is what I was afraid of, I was terrified that coming back here would bring back the triangle and tear the three of us apart for good this time.

"Why do you think that?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know. It's just. She was acting different last night."

"Well we were all pretty tired Ranger Rick. She's probably just jet-lagged" I suggest and he nods his head as if trying to convince himself that I was right even though I knew he thought otherwise.

"I really hope you're right Maya. I can't lose her" he says as tears fill his eyes.

"I promise you, she's not going anywhere" I assure him pulling him in for a hug as we hear the screen door open.

"Um" Riley stutters as she walks onto the porch. Lucas and I bolt apart as Riley rushes back into the house. I get up and rush after her.

"Riles" I shout stopping her in her tracks but no doubt waking up everyone in the house.

"What?" she asks looking heartbroken. I knew this trip was a bad idea, and it was only day one.

"Honey nothing is going on with me and Huckleberry" I say quickly feeling the need to defend myself.

"Oh my god Maya I know" she says sounding annoyed that I would even think she thought otherwise.

"Okay then what's wrong?" I ask curiously and beyond confused.

"Nothing forget it" he says as she storms out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Josh asks as he stands in the entryway to the hallway. I look at him and throw my hands up in defeat.

"I have no idea."


"Maya honey calm down" Josh says as I pace our bedroom trying to calm down after my weird encounter with Riley this morning.

"How can I calm down? Josh how can I even fix this? I have no idea what I even did" I exclaim defeated as I plop down onto the bed. "I knew this trip was a bad idea" I say as I cover my face with my hands.

"I'm still here" Josh says sweetly making me smile as I move my hands to wrap around his neck pulling him down to me. I press my lips to his and let myself forget my fight with Riley for a few minutes as our lips move together.

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