17. Seven Minutes

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A/N: I'm Back!!!!! I'm so sorry for the late update my second week of school has literally been hell. I have like four three hour classes and enough homework that even Riley wouldn't do it. But it's the weekend meaning I should be able to update a few times. There will be at least one more update tonight. Thank you all so much for your patience and thanks so much for almost 1.5k views, that's insane! And also just curious, is anyone else going to see Sabrina in concert on her EVOLution tour because I got my tickets yesterday and I could not be more excited. But enough of my rambling. Here's the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy!


The next few days are pretty uneventful. I spend most of my time at my house finishing all of my projects that are due when I go back to school next week. So, I'm only able to spend an hour or two with the Matthews. But today is different.

Today is New Year's.


When I open the door to the Matthews' loft I see bowls of food and punch on the dining room table and I see a stack of games on the counter. But what I don't see are any people.

"Riles? Josh?" I ask taking off my coat and walking upstairs. I knock on Josh's door but there isn't an answer so I continue down the hall and open the door to Riley's room. She's rummaging through her closet apparently having a fashion crisis as I walk in. "Hey Riles. Is everything okay? Where's Josh?"

Riley turns around, "Josh is at the store getting more Sprite for the punch. My parents are already on the roof, Auggie is at Ava's, and no everything is NOT okay."

"What's the matter honey?" I ask taking a seat on her bed watching as she throws things out of her closet in frustration.

"I have nothing to wear" she responds. I laugh looking up into her closet.

"Riles, you have plenty to wear."

"Yea, but nothing like, like what you're wearing!" she exclaims pointing at the skin tight, black t-shirt dress I was wearing.

"Riles, what are you talking about?"

"I have nothing that will make Lucas look at me the way Josh looks at you in that dress" she says and it finally clicks in my head. Our parents are having a dinner party on the roof and afterwards they're going to see a movie, meaning they won't be home until late.

"Riles, is there a chance that you and Ranger Rick might finally be planning a redo of your anniversary?" I ask looking up at my best friend who is kneading her hands together nervously.

"Maybe" she says clearly uncomfortable causing me to smile as I get up and walk over to my best friend.

"Riley, Lucas loves you. He doesn't care what you wear, you always look beautiful to him. So, I'm sure whatever you wear will drive him crazy." I say trying to comfort her and it must work because she hugs me.

"And I promise NOT to walk in this time" I say pulling away from her. We both laugh and I turn around towards her closet. "Now let's get you ready."


I'm walking into the living room when Josh comes through the front door.

"Hi boyfriend" I say smiling. Now that everyone knew we were together I was able to use the word all the time, and I definitely took advantage of it.

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