24. Two Truths and a Lie

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When I get to the party Riley and Lucas are already there sitting on their usual couch only unlike usual they're both full on making out. I clear my throat as I walk into the room making my friends bolt apart immediately.

"Hi Maya" Lucas says as he bows his head in embarrassment.

"Hey Lucas" I greet as I walk towards the counter to set up the snacks that I brought. "Hey Riles do you know what time Josh is planning on getting here?" I ask acting as if I don't already know that Josh was on his way over right now.

"Um, I think he was planning on leaving a few minutes after me. What about Zay? You wouldn't happen to know what time he was arriving would you?" she asks expectantly. I internally roll my eyes at my best friend. It would've been nice if she talked to me instead of jumping to her own conclusions, but at this point I'm so fed up with her that I decide to play into her game.

"He's gonna be a little late. He had some errands to run" I answer as Josh walks through the door. I smile looking up at him only to realize that the smile isn't reciprocated. I'm taken back for a second before I remember that we're supposed to be fighting. I am cheating on him after all.

"Hey babe" I say nonchalantly.

"Hey" he says shortly walking over to me. I throw my arms around him and feel him relax in my embrace. He pulls me closer whispering in my ear. "Missed you."

"You too" I whisper back. As we pull apart I lean in for a kiss but Josh evades my lips obviously playing into Riley's game as well. "Babe is something wrong?" I ask cluelessly.

"Nope. Everything's fine" he responds emotionless. I was happy that we worked everything out because he was acting colder than he did a few nights ago. I look at him confused before taking a seat as Smackle and Farkle walk in.

"Hello friends" Smackle says brightly as Farkle helps his girlfriend with her jacket.

"Hey Smackle" I respond as Josh comes to take his obligatory place next to me.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Smackle asks as she and Farkle take their place on the seat closest to the windows.

"Why don't we play a game" I suggest. I sneak a look at my boyfriend out of the corner of my eye. He looks a bit nervous but I grab his hand and squeeze simultaneously comforting my boyfriend and annoying my best friend.


"Come on dearest, it could be fun. What game do you suggest Maya?"

"Two Truths and a Lie" I answer quickly. It was a game that held no risk if the player didn't want it. But of course risk was the whole reason I was playing. I was ready to set my friends straight.


All of my friends go around the room exchanging their truths and lies but it finally comes down to Josh and I. Lucas is mid-laugh as he turns to Josh. "Alright man. Try to stump me."

"Okay" Josh says thinking. "I go to NYU. I'm not a virgin. I'm breaking up with Maya tonight" Josh says making me feel as if the wind had been knocked out of me. Everyone would guess the second one of course, that was the point but for some reason my friends knowing that I wouldn't be Josh's first made me uncomfortable. My friends all exchange confused looks but Riley just smiles locking eyes with me. She thinks she's won, little does she know that the second one is completely factual.

"The second one" Riley answers smugly. Lucas looks at her annoyed for stealing his opportunity to guess as I feel tears start to fall from my face and suddenly this game doesn't feel fun anymore.

"I'm sorry. I need a minute" I say getting up quickly and storming outside.

"Maya" Josh calls after me running after me. "Maya, Maya stop" Josh repeats grabbing my wrist pulling me into his arms. "Baby what happened?" he asks as he strokes my hair.

"I just. Watching Riley be so sure of herself. That hurt way more than I thought it was going to. Especially when I wish the second one was a lie."

"I'm sorry. I should've used a different truth, I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings."

"Of course not. Come back inside" he insists as he starts to lead me back into Topanga's.

"Hold on" I pull him back to me crashing my lips against his. Josh responds immediately cupping my face gently deepening the kiss as the world falls away. After a few seconds we pull apart and smile at each other.

"I needed that" I admit laughing lightly.

"Well I'm available anytime gorgeous" he teases as we walk back inside. Riley looks a tad worried as I come and sit back down.

"My turn" I say looking at my best friend. "Riles you judge."

"This should be easy" she laughs.

"It should be" I reply my voice dripping with anger, "but I'm almost positive you're about to be wrong. One. My middle name is Penelope. Two. I slept with Zay. Three. I'm not cheating on your uncle." Riley looks at me completely frazzled. I know that she knows I'm a virgin so I'm positive that she knows this is the lie but I also know that she's completely sure that I'm cheating on Josh. She's stuck. I smirk at my best friend knowing I got her.

"Um" Riley stutters looking around at the group looking for help.

"What's wrong Riles? I thought you knew everything about me. I thought you trusted me. I thought that you would confront me if you thought I was sneaking around with Zay" I fire at her standing up getting more and more emotional.

"Maya. Sweetheart calm down." Josh says standing up and wrapping his arm around me.

"I don't want to" I cry as tears roll down my face. "Riley why didn't you talk to me? Why wouldn't you ask me if I was cheating on Josh. I didn't lie to you about Zay, I wouldn't start lying now." At this point my face is drenched and Josh's arms are the only thing keeping me upright. Before Riley has a chance to respond Zay walks through the door with Vanessa on his arm.

"Hey guys, this is" he trails off taking in the scene around him. "What did you do to Honey Nugget?"

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