23. The Holder of Maya's Heart

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Josh's POV

It's the next day and since it's my birthday I'm heading to Cory and Topanga's to celebrate. As I'm sitting at a red light I get a text from Maya.

HUNTER: Are you at your brother's house yet?

JOSH: On the way right now. Can't wait to see you later :)

HUNTER: I can't wait either. I miss you :(

I smile as I look down at the text from my girlfriend. I couldn't believe a little over twelve hours ago I thought that she was cheating on me.

JOSH: I miss you too gorgeous

As I send the text the light turns green. I make it to Cory's loft and open the door with the key that Topanga gave me.

"Guys! I'm back" I yell causing my niece to appear on the staircase.

"Hi Uncle Josh" Riley says as she runs up to me.

"Hey Riles" I respond as I pull her in for a hug. "How's your Valentine's Day going? You see Lucas yet?"

"Haven't seen him yet but he's gonna be at the party tonight" she answers happily.

"Good" I smile as we pull apart.

"What about you? Are you still going?" she asks worriedly. I have to try to act like Maya and I haven't made up so I shrug nonchalantly.

"I mean yea I kinda have to."

"Josh you have to talk to her. You need to end things face to face, hear her admit that she's cheating on you. I love her Josh but what she's doing to you isn't fair." It takes everything in me not to defend Maya, to shout at Riley that she's wrong, that Maya would never do that to me. But I know I can't. Maya wants to talk to Riley. It isn't my place so I keep my mouth shut.

"Yea I know. I'm going to. I just want a day with no stress." I say trying to shut down the conversation as my phone vibrates in my pocket with a text no doubt from my adorable girlfriend. "Look Riley can we talk later? I wanna take a nap before the party."

"Sure" Riley says as I walk past her. "Happy birthday by the way" she yells after me. I smile as I whip my head back around the corner.

"Thank niece" I smile happily before I go back to my room. I put my bags down on the bed and pull out my cell phone dialing Maya's number immediately.

Back to Maya's POV

Josh and I stop texting presumably because he's made it back to his brother's house and is no doubt getting a speech from Riley about dumping me. I'm in the kitchen making myself pancakes as my phone vibrates. I smile when I look down and realize its Zay. It felt good smiling when his name appeared, it was a feeling I hadn't experienced in months.

ZAY: Vanessa's coming :) Thanks for the advice. I owe you.

A wave of happiness washes over me when I read the text. I was so beyond happy that Vanessa took him up on his invitation.

MAYA: No problem. But I was serious. If the two of you really end up hitting it off I get all the credit.

ZAY: Whatever :p

I laugh and decide to text Josh again for a status update.

MAYA: Hey babe. How are things at Casa de Matthews?

JOSH: Riley thinks its best that I break up with you face to face.

MAYA: You're breaking up with me! Josh this is so sudden. I can't believe you'd do this to me!

I laugh as I write the text waiting impatiently for my boyfriend's response.

JOSH: It's you not me. I mean you did cheat on me after all.

I laugh as I read the text forming another to Zay.

MAYA: Hey did you know that you and I are back together?

ZAY: WHAT?!?! When did that happen? Was I there?

I laugh at Zay's response. Zay and I were worried that our friends would think something was going on between us but at the end of the day neither of us actually thought that our friends would actually completely believe it without asking us about it.

MAYA: Riles and Lucas think I'm cheating on Josh.

ZAY: Why?

MAYA: Riles caught us at the mall

ZAY: Wait didn't you lie to Josh

MAYA: He thought I was cheating too

ZAY: What do you mean thought?

MAYA: We talked it out. I set him straight but Riles still thinks something is going on

ZAY: So Josh isn't gonna kill me?

MAYA: Lol no. But I think Riley might have something up her sleeve tonight if Josh doesn't break things off with me

MAYA: Probably not.

ZAY: What do we do?

MAYA: We'll set everyone straight. Vanessa's presence should help :)

ZAY: Hopefully :) Ttyl

I close out my text messages and dial my boyfriend's number.

"Hey baby" Josh answers on the first ring making my heart swell.

"Hi" I reply happily. "I told Zay."

"You told him about the cheating scandal?"

"Yep" I say popping the p.

"How dare you cheat on me the day before Valentine's Day" he says sarcastically.

"I know I really am awful aren't I?" I ask laughing.

"Today is going to be a mess isn't it?" he asks.

"Oh yea" I laugh, "Oh and get this apparently Zay is also cheating on me because Vanessa is coming tonight."

"OH MY GOD! You're kidding." He says astonished.

"Nope, tonight is going to be a disaster" I laugh.

"You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you Hunter?"

"Nope. They just have a mind of their own, but you already knew that" I add flirtatiously.

"Alright on that note I'm ending this phone call" he says laughing hysterically. "Happy Valentine's Day Maya."

"Happy Valentine's Day Josh."

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