47. Will You...

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Josh opens the front door and honestly I have no idea what to expect but I'm certainly not prepared for what I'm met with, nothing. There's absolutely no one anywhere to be found. I look up at Josh confused, "Where is everyone?" I ask curiously as I take a few steps away from him, looking around the living room and peeking my head around the stairwell.

"I don't know" he says looking around the room confused, "Riles, Cor, Topanga, Auggie?" he yells but there's no answer. I join him back at his side, "Where the hell did they go? Riles said that we were supposed to be here at 2 and its 2:15" he says confused.

"Wait a second," I say eyeing a piece of purple paper on the fridge. I walk over and pick it up, reading it out loud. "Apparently they are all on the roof" I say rolling my eyes before continuing as I look up at Josh, "why would they be on the roof it's freezing outside?" I ask confused.

"Maya has my family ever made sense?" he asks playfully looking down at me.

"Good point" I laugh, "I guess we should head up there."

"Yea probably" he agrees as he takes my hand in his leading me out of the loft and up to the roof. As we reach the door he releases my hand and smiles as he motions for me to open the door. I look at him in confusion but I turn the handle on the door walking onto the roof.

My jaw hits the ground as I stare down at the rooftop because spelled out on the ground in candles is the word, PROM?

I turn around to face to Josh in excitement and disbelief, "is this for me?" I ask tears starting to run down my face.

"Of course it's for you Hunter" he says laughing as he pulls me into his arms, his wrapping around my waist, "so what do you say?" he asks sweetly as my heart swells.

"Of course I'll go to prom with you Josh" I exclaim, leaning up to kiss him as the entire Matthews' clan jumps out from their hiding spots yelling and clapping.

"Happy Birthday Peaches" Riley exclaims as she breaks me away from Josh, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Thanks Riles" I smile brightly as we break apart.

We all stand around for a few more minutes talking but eventually it gets too cold. We end up staying for dinner and then we get caught up in a movie marathon but eventually Josh and I leave the loft around two in the morning. When we get into the truck Josh looks over at me sweetly.

"So how's 18 treating you so far?" he asks curiously, a smile spreading across his face.

"It's better than I could've ever imagined" I reply happily as I reach across the bench, pressing my lips to his. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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