15. The Night Before Christmas

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I only get about three hours of actual sleep that night and I'm already wide awake when my alarm goes off. I just had eight more hours until Josh and I were together again.

I sit up and grab my phone checking for texts but unfortunately I have none. Josh must still be sleeping after his long car drive into Greenwich last night.

I climb off my bed and walk over to my closet grabbing a red button-up blouse and my favorite pair of jeans. I go into the bathroom when my phone vibrates with a Skype request from Josh. I'm in the middle of getting dressed and I know I should deny it but I can't. It's Josh.

I press the answer button throwing my blouse on quickly but unfortunately I'm not able to get it buttoned before his face appears.

"Good mor-." He says cutting himself off.

"Hunter, if I knew it was this kind of chat I would've dressed more appropriately" he says laughing. I look at my boyfriend through the screen realizing he's wearing pajama pants and an old t-shirt.

"Shut up" I laugh as I button up my shirt. "I didn't want to miss your call, but I was getting dressed. I decided that you seeing me in my bra was better than me not seeing you."

"I'm not complaining" he says smirking.

"You're lucky there's a screen between us or I'd slap you" I laugh.

"Yea okay. You can slap me later, or kiss me. Whatever you prefer" he adds.

"I plan on doing both" I say matter of factly. "Consider this your warning Matthews" I say evilly.

"Thank you so much for the warning Hunter. I am so scared of you" he laughs.

"You should be" I insist as someone knocks on my door.

"Is someone here?" Josh whispers. I nod and put my finger to my lips signaling him to shut up. I walk out of my bathroom and into my room opening the door.

"Hey Peaches" Riley says happily.

"Oh my god" I say pulling her into the room. "I thought you were my parents."

"So what if I was?" she asks following me into the bathroom but the second she sees my phone she nods laughing. "Oh. That's why."

"Morning Niece" Josh says happily.

"Good morning Uncle Josh" Riley says matching his sunshiny tone.

"Sorry I didn't catch you last night or this morning. I got in late and you got up early" he says apologetically.

"It's okay. But Maya, we gotta go. We're gonna be late" Riley says.

"Do we have to?" I ask sadly.

"Yes. After tonight you and my uncle can do whatever you want together but right now we have to get to school. Come on" she says grabbing my hand.

I grab my phone and say a quick goodbye to my boyfriend before following Riley out the door. I just prayed that school would go fast because the quicker school ended the sooner I got to see Josh.


It's almost the end of the day and we're in our last class, history. Mr. Matthews is explaining the homework assignment he was assigning over break but I wasn't paying any attention.

BOYFRIEND: Why are school days so long?

MAYA: At least you're at home. I'm stuck in class. Your brother is assigning HOMEWORK over break

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