19. Surprises

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I wake up on my birthday and I can smell the pancakes from my room. I climb out of bed and head downstairs still wearing my pajamas. My mom is cooking and Shawn is drinking his morning coffee reading the news on his phone.

"Good morning." I smile, sitting down on the side opposite my dad.

"Morning Maya" my dad says smiling back at me.

"Morning Maya? That's all I get? Did you forget what today is?" I exclaim causing my dad to start laughing.

"Of course not. Happy Birthday kiddo" he laughs as my mom places a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.

"Happy Birthday baby girl" she says kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks you guys" I smile before I dig into my breakfast. "So what are we doing today?" I ask looking up at them as my mom takes a seat next to Shawn.

"Well, dinner isn't until eight so your entire day is wide open baby girl" my mom smiles. I look at my mom from across the table. She seems like she's hiding something from me and as if on cue the front door opens.

"Good morning Hunter family" I smile as I turn around knowing exactly who the voice belongs to. I stare at my boyfriend in disbelief before turning to look at my parents who are smiling from ear to ear.

"Surprise" my dad says. I stand up and walk over to Josh.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I lean up to kiss him.

"I have a surprise for you" he answers smirking as we pull apart.

"You know I hate surprises"

"Yea, well you kinda owe me for Christmas. Now go get dressed so we can get going." I turn around looking at my parents.

"You guys knew about this?" They nod guiltily causing me to laugh. I walk back over to them giving them both a hug. "You guys are the best"

"Yea we know" my dad replies happily. "Just make sure you guys are at the restaurant at eight."

"Of course dad" I say quickly before I run upstairs to get dressed. I throw on a fresh pair of underwear and a strapless bra before I pull on the dress I had bought a few days ago. I walk into the bathroom running a brush through my hair quickly before brushing my teeth. Once I'm done I throw on a bit of lip gloss and slip on a pair of flats.

I quickly exit my room grabbing my purse off the door handle making my way back downstairs. "Ready" I shout surprising my parents but Josh just laughs smiling at me sweetly.

"I'm pretty sure you just set the world record for getting ready" my mom laughs as I walk over to Josh allowing him take my hand in his.

"I'm just excited to start my birthday" I say happily looking up at my boyfriend.

"Have fun kiddo" Shawn says.

"I will. See you guys later" I shout over my shoulder as Josh leads me out of the house. "So are you really not telling me where we're going?"

"Nope. It's a surprise and you're not going to ruin it this time" he insists as he helps me into the truck. I smile at him as he goes over to the other side of the truck climbing in quickly. He takes my hand in his as he pulls out of the parking lot and with Josh by my side I know that today is going to be beyond perfect.


When we get to our location I smile looking over at my boyfriend as he parks the car.

"You're amazing you know that" I say as I lean over to kiss him.

"I know" he smirks as he pulls away and gets out of the truck. He comes over to my door and opens it holding out his hand for me to take.

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