59. Huckleberry

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My mom is discharged from the hospital two days later and life pretty much goes back to normal. I start staying at the apartment more since the baby kept me up when I was staying at my parent's place. It's two days before graduation and Josh and I are lying in bed planning out my graduation party.

"Okay, I think that should be everything" I say going over my to do list one last time making sure I didn't miss anything.

"You sure?" he asks knowing how forgetful I could be sometimes.

"Yep. This party is going to be amazing" I exclaim as I smile over at him.

"You know what else is amazing?" Josh asks leaning in towards me. "You" he smirks before his lips land on mine. Ever since prom night Josh and I have been incapable of keeping our hands off of each other, not that I minded in the slightest.

Josh uses his arm to sweep everything off the bed before he lies me down underneath him. I wrap my arms around his neck as I feel his hand slip up my shirt, his hands pulling it over my head. His lips start to travel down my chest, kissing every inch of exposed skin causing me to sigh as his lips stop just above my waistline. He starts to undo the buttons on my jeans as I finally manage to get his shirt off before grabbing his belt to pull him down closer as my jeans are discarded. After a few more seconds I manage to get his pants off but as I lean up to press my lips against his again the doorbell rings. We pull apart both annoyed at the interruption. I push Josh off of me and climb off the bed throwing on my robe before walking into the living room and opening the door finding Lucas on the other side.

"Huckleberry what do you want?" I ask annoyed as I tighten my grip on my robe to make sure it stays shut.

"Can I come in?" he asks.

"Yea" I say reluctantly, moving out of the way so he can come in. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go um, I'll be back" I say walking toward my bedroom. As I do Josh walks into the living room having thrown his jeans back on. I overhear their conversation while I'm getting dressed.

"Future nephew-in-law what are you doing here?" Josh asks curiously.

"I just needed to talk to Maya" he replies nonchalantly.

"Anything serious?" Josh asks worriedly.

"Yea. Kinda" Lucas replies obviously nervous. I walk back into the living room now fully clothed and plant a kiss on Josh's lips quickly, this seems to make Lucas finally realize what was happening before he arrived.

"Wait, did I-I'm sorry I should've called first" Lucas says quickly.

"It's fine Ranger Rick" I insist, sitting on the couch next to him. "So what's going on?"

"Yea. Is everything okay with you and Riley?" Josh asks concerned about his niece as he sits beside me.

"Everything is more than fine with me and Riley. In fact that's what I wanted to talk to you about" he says and suddenly I'm confused.

"Lucas, if everything is good with you and Riles why do we need to talk."

"Because I need your help Maya" he says bluntly making me look at him intrigued.

"Okay, what do you need help with?" I ask curiously as I look at him intently.

"Proposing to Riley."


I don't know when I finally responded, I was in shock. I mean I knew that Riley and Lucas loved each other but Lucas was suggesting going totally Corpanga.

"You want to propose to Riley" I exclaim as I hop off the couch in shock.

"So much" Lucas says smiling widely. "I love her so much and I know I want to be with her forever so why not start forever now?"

"Lucas, there is no way Cory is ever going to let you propose to Riley" Josh says finally joining in the conversation.

"Let me take care of Mr. Matthews. What I need from the two of you is very simple. I need you to hold your graduation party somewhere that you have to take the subway to get to."

"Lucas I already have the whole party planned out" I sigh as I think back to the long list I had just finished checking off.

"Please Maya. I need this to be perfect. Riley deserves it" Lucas says happily making a smile creep onto my lips as I look over at Josh. I know that if this was Josh coming to Riley for help she would jump at the chance to make sure everything was perfect. How could I not do the same for her?

"Okay" I say giving in.

"Okay?" Lucas asks shocked as a laugh escapes my lips.

"Of course" I smile, hugging him. He stands up and Josh stands to join him. They just stare at each other for a minute before Josh finally pulls him in for a hug.

"Take care of my niece okay."

"Always" Lucas says pulling away from his future in law. "I should probably go. I have to stop by the Matthews' next" he says walking toward the door.

"Good luck" I say as he leaves the apartment. I look up at Josh smiling as I shake my head in disbelief.

"So Riley is getting engaged" I say tears of happiness starting to fill my eyes.

"It appears so" Josh says wrapping his arms around me.

"I told you this party was going to be amazing."

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