61. Long Game

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After graduation we all went out for dinner. We shared stories, we laughed, we cried, and spent way too much time fawning over my little brother. It was a little after midnight when Josh and I got home. I start to head into our bedroom with Josh following behind me. I open my dresser and dig out some pajamas, stripping down but of course I can't do the zipper but at this point I don't even have to ask anymore. Josh chuckles as he walks over to me and starts to slowly unzip my dress leaning down to kiss my neck as he does. As soon as it's unzipped I turn around to face him and I let the dress fall to the floor leaning up to kiss him. "You do know how proud I am of you, don't you?" he asks looking down at me as he breaks away from me.

"Of course I do. I'm proud of me too" I add smiling. "I'm also just really happy" I add as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Me too Hunter" he smiles as he leans down to kiss me, his lips moving with mine heatedly as he grips the back of my thighs, placing me onto the bed. My hands undo the buttons of his shirt, running my lips down his chest until I reach his waistline, tugging on his belt as I return my lips to his. I start to unbutton his jeans and I feel his hand run up my back and I laugh knowing he's reaching up to unclasp my bra.

"Josh" I say softly as I press my lips together to keep from laughing.

"What?" he asks worriedly pulling away slightly.

"Nothing" I assure him quickly as I stare into his blue eyes lovingly. "It's just. The clasp you're looking for. It's on the front" I explain as a laugh escapes my lips.

"Maya, why the hell do you own such complicated clothing. Dresses are supposed to have zippers and bras are supposed to have clasps on the back" he exclaims playfully making me laugh hysterically as I look up at his confused face.

"I'm sorry my clothing choices upset you. Maybe you should come shopping with me next time then" I suggest playfully.

"You know what, actually I love your clothing. It's amazing. Please don't make me go shopping" he says quickly.

"I would never" I laugh leaning back down to kiss him. He eventually finds the clasp and I laugh once more before completely losing myself in Josh.


I wake up the next morning in Josh's arms. We never left the bed last night so I'm wearing absolutely nothing as I climb out of bed wrapping a blanket around me as I look for something to wear.

"You know I think that's my favorite outfit on you" Josh says dazedly as he sits up, looking at me lovingly.

"Yea, I'm sure it is, it has no complicated zippers or clasps" I tease as I smirk at him.

"Exactly" he says climbing out of bed pulling on a pair of boxers.

I find a cute blouse and a pair of light wash skinny jeans to wear, dropping the blanket as I pull on a pair of underwear and a bra before pulling on my jeans and my blouse.

I'm finally dressed and I turn around to find Josh also fully clothed. "I'm nervous about today" I admit, thinking of Lucas' plans.

"Maya, there's nothing to be nervous about, Riley is going to be so excited" he assures me as he walks over to me, pulling me into his arms.

"I know, I just hope everything goes as planned."

"Everything will be perfect" he smiles as he leans down to kiss me. "Now come on, we have a proposal to witness."


When we reach the subway station all of our friends are already there, talking among themselves.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up" Riley teases as I smile at her. Lucas wanted us to show up a little late to make sure Riley was completely in the dark.

"Sorry, we lost track of time. But we're here now so let's get this party started" I exclaim as Lucas looks at me nervously making me shoot him a reassuring smile.

When the subway finally arrives we all climb on and as the doors close the song Today Was a Fairytale starts to play. I start to smile looking up at Josh who wraps his arm around me. I look at the rest of my friends and they all share the same confused look that is currently displayed on Riley's face.

"Um, can I have everyone's attention?" Lucas asks our friends and family. I look over at Cory and Topanga who are holding onto each other smiling. And I laugh when my eyes reach my parents. My mom is holding my brother and my dad is looking at Cory as if silently asking him if this was really happening.

"Riley" Lucas says taking her hands in his own. "You are everything to me. You have been since the day we met in this very spot six years ago. I always asked myself how I could possibly live without you and every time I came up with the same response. I can't. I can't live one day of my life without you by side" he says and at this point Riley is bawling her eyes out.

"So, Riley, you know those moments that even though they just happen we know we're going to remember them forever" he says getting down on one knee as he opens the ring box. "Well this is one of them. Riley Matthews, will you marry me?"

The room falls silent and we all look at Riley. "Yes. Of course I'll marry you Lucas" she exclaims. I watch as Lucas slides the ring onto Riley's finger and I smile. They share a quick kiss and suddenly I hear Josh say something next to me.

"Crazy how much can happen in two years isn't it Hunter?" he asks looking down at me happily.

"Yea it really is. I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope it's good." I smile looking up at him.

"As long as you're next to me it will be" he says sweetly as he leans down to kiss me.

"Long game?" I ask as we break apart, smiling up at him lovingly.

"Long game" he agrees as his lips land back on mine. 

A/N: That's the end...for now. Epilogue will be posted on Valentine's Day (Josh's B-Day)! I hope you've all enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it and I can't wait to share the epilogue with you all soon!!! 

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