53. To Our Someday

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"Why hasn't Lucas asked me to prom yet?" Riley sighs as she sits on her bed beside me, both of us working on our homework for Spanish class.

"He will Riles. Trust me" I smile, knowing that Lucas was planning on doing it at lunch next week but of course I couldn't tell her that. I feel my phone vibrate beside me, a text from Josh flashing on the screen.

BOYFRIEND: Come over. I miss you :(

I bite my lip as I look over at Riley. I missed Josh too. He had just gotten back a little over a week ago and I'd only seen him when he first got back.

"Hey Riles" I start as she smiles.

"Go see Josh. I'll be fine" she replies, smiling as she looks over at me.

"You are the best" I reply happily as I gather up my stuff, heading out of her room and towards my place I would share with Josh in three months.

When I reach the apartment I use my key, finding Josh sitting on the couch watching television.

"I'm home" I sing song as I walk in, making my way over to the couch to sit beside him.

"Hey gorgeous" he says sweetly as he kisses my cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too" I reply as I lean in to kiss him, his lips lingering on mine.

"I'm taking you out on a date" he says quickly when we pull apart making me look at him confused.

"A date?" I ask smiling. "Josh I haven't showered in like two days. I can't go out like this" I laugh as I link my arms around him.

"Well we have a shower" he says with a laugh.

"Wanna come with?" I ask suddenly making his eyes go wide.

"In the shower?" he asks as I nod, standing up and holding out my hand for him to take. He takes my hand, following after me. I close the bathroom door behind us, crashing my lips onto his as we stumble back against the counter. His hands tug at the hem of my shirt, our lips parting as we both strip off our shirts. I pull down my yoga pants as his lips land back on mine, his sweatpants following soon after. "Maya, we don't have to do anything" he says breathlessly as a laugh escapes my lips.

"Josh we have been dating for two years. If we don't so something I am going to die of sexual frustration" I exclaim making him laugh as he caresses my cheek. "You're nervous aren't you?" I ask with a smile as I rest my hand on his hip pulling him closer.

"You've always made me nervous" he admits as he looks at me lovingly.

"Josh" I say softly as I stare back at him. "I trust you" I whisper before I crash my lips back onto his, both of us stumbling back into the shower.


"Where are we going?" I ask curiously as I play with our intertwined fingers as we drive. My body was still tingling from earlier, after two years I had finally reached third with Josh and I'd never felt closer to him. I didn't want my first time to be in a shower so we opted out of going all the way but I knew it would happen soon, or at least I hoped so after how amazing today was.

"To dinner. Gosh you are so impatient" he teases making me roll my eyes playfully as we pull up to a fancy restaurant. We climb out of the truck heading inside where we're led to a table in the back. It's a corner booth with dim lighting and soft music playing in the distance.

"What is this?" I ask smiling as I look over at my boyfriend happily.

"Our Valentine's Day redo. I told you I had plans" he smirks as I giggle leaning over to give him a quick kiss as a waiter appears. Josh orders a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and we each order pasta for dinner.

"Have I told you lately how ridiculously in love with you I am?" I ask as his hand laces with mine under the table.

"I love you too Hunter" he smiles as he leans over to kiss me.

"I do have a question though" I add as we pull apart.

"What?" he asks sweetly as our drinks arrive. Josh pours us each a glass before I ask my question.

"You had an amazing night planned but you asked me to come over. We didn't plan this together. How did you know I'd come?"

"We've spent like no time together in almost a month and plus Riles knew" he smirks as he hands me a glass.

"Of course she did" I laugh as I clink my glass with his. "So have you heard from Morgan?" I ask curiously as I take a sip of my drink.

"Yea, she's pissed she couldn't meet you. She says I should've lied and said you were my wife" he says making me smile as the thought of being Josh's wife enters my head.

"I wouldn't have objected" I blush as I avert my eyes to look at my glass, watching the bubbles float around.

"You do realize that no matter what my parents think I am planning on asking you to marry me someday right? Cause if it wasn't clear that that's what I want, I'm making it clear" he says seriously as his grip on my hand tightens.

"It's clear and it's what I want too if that wasn't clear" I smile as I scoot closer to him.

"Well then. I think we should toast" he smiles as he lifts his glass.

"To what?" I ask with a smile.

"To us. And our someday" he adds making me smile wider as I stare into his blue eyes.

"To our someday." 

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