45. Happy New Year

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"Good morning mom and dad" I smile brightly as I head down the stairs finding them both sitting at the table across from one another.

"Morning kiddo" my dad smiles. "How are you?"

"I'm good" I smile brightly. "It's New Year's Eve after all" I add happily making my parents share a laugh.

"Are you going over to Josh's?" my mom asks as I bite my lip. Of course I wanted to go to his place tonight but I also knew I probably shouldn't be so eager.

"Um I mean I thought about it" I reply nonchalantly as I grab a carton of orange juice out of the fridge.

"No party this year?" she asks curiously as I shrug.

"I don't think so. I think Riles is planning something low-key with Huckleberry, Zay is down in Texas still, and Smackle and Farkle are doing whatever it is that they do" I add making my dad laugh.

"Well you're just sitting around watching the countdown. You're more than welcome to stay here but you have our permission to see Josh" my mom says seriously. "It's not going to be very fun with us anyway. Me being pregnant and all" she adds making me chuckle as I take a sip of my juice.

"So I could sleep over?" I ask as I bite my lip making me dad sigh.

"Yes but try to behave. I don't need to be a grandpa and a new dad at the same time" my dad says making my eyes widen.

"Dad I promise you do not need to worry. Josh and I are waiting, I swear" I add seriously.

"Good. Then have fun tonight" he replies making a smile pull at my lips as I bolt out of the living room and back up to my room to get ready.


I use my key to let myself into the apartment finding my boyfriend on the phone ordering what seems to be pizza making me laugh as I take off my coat before hopping up onto the counter to wait for him to finish his phone call. When he's done he smiles, throwing his cell onto the counter beside me.

"Sorry I'm not cooking tonight" he apologizes making me laugh as I lean down to kiss him.

"It's okay" I reply sweetly. "But I do except a little alcohol with dinner" I smirk making him roll his eyes playfully as he grips my waist, lifting me off the counter and onto the floor next to him.

"Let's watch some random countdown special" he suggests as he pulls me towards the couch. We plop down on it together, my legs draping over his as I lay my head against a pillow. We sit comfortably as we wait for our dinner, watching the random celebrities sing their hits from this year. I find myself humming along to Niall's new song making Josh chuckle as the doorbell rings.

"You know I never pegged you as a Directioner" he says seriously as she makes his way to the door.

"I'm not" I lie as I bite my lip causing him to chuckle as he opens the door, exchanging his cash for the pizza. I walk over to the door grabbing the pizzas from Josh helpfully.

"Hi" the pizza guy says sounding as if he's shocked to see a girl here. I watch his eyes travel over my body and Josh does too, putting the tip back in his pocket before slamming the door shut.

"Guys that look at you like that need to punched" Josh mutters angrily as he grabs two plates and two wine glasses.

"Sadly you get used to it" I sigh as he pours red wine into a glass, handing it over to me making me smile.

"I hate people" he complains as he puts two pieces of pizza on each plate.

"Me too, not you though. I kinda love you" I smile making his anger suddenly turn to happiness as his face softens, a smile pulling at his lips.

"I love you too gorgeous" he replies sweetly as he places a soft kiss to my lips. We head back to the couch and get comfortable before we start eating our dinner. I take a few bites, taking a sip of my wine before he speaks again. "I like this. Having you here" he says happily. "I can't wait for you to move in."

"Me either" I admit happily. "Only a few more months" I add as I take another bite of my pizza, finishing off my first piece.

"Is it weird to think you'll be done with high school soon?" he asks curiously.

"Not as weird as the fact that I'll be eighteen in two weeks" I reply smirking making him choke on his piece of pizza causing me to laugh as I take another sip of my wine. "Sorry" I laugh making him start laughing as he regains his breathing. "Damn does sleeping with me scare you that much?" I ask playfully.

"Um yea" he says seriously. "You're a virgin Maya and plus I'm kinda in love with you hence it kinda has to be perfect."

"No it doesn't" I disagree sweetly as I place my hand over his. "Josh it's gonna be with you. That's all I need."

"Whatever you say Hunter" he smiles as he finishes his dinner, placing the plate onto the table. I finish off my own pizza before grabbing my glass and settling into the couch beside him. As we get comfortable the countdown starts and a smile grows on my face.

"5" I smile brightly.

"4" Josh replies as he looks down at me lovingly.

"3, 2" I continue as he leans in closer.

"1" he whispers against my lips.

"Happy New Year Josh."

"Happy New Year Maya" he replies as his lips finally press against mine gently. The kiss is gentle and sweet, ending after a few seconds. Josh turns off the TV and stands up, holding out his hand for me to take. I smile as I grab onto him following him into our bedroom. I change into my pajamas as he pulls on a pair of pajama pants before we climb into bed. "I have a feeling it's gonna be a good year Hunter."

"Me too Matthews" I reply happily as we lean in for one last lingering kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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