38. Boxes and Interruptions

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It's the last weekend of September and Josh and I were able to fit in some time to hang out. I'm over at the loft, lying on his bed scrolling through my Twitter while he finishes up an English essay that was due in thirteen minutes.

"Why do professors make things due on Saturdays?" I ask confused as I look up from my phone and up at my boyfriend.

"That's a good question" he replies annoyed. "Probably because they know that we'd much rather be making out with our girlfriends but they love it when we're miserable so they assign papers" he adds making a blush creep onto my cheeks as I bite my lip, turning my attention back to Twitter until the door opens.

"Hey Josh here are those boxes you were wanted" Topanga says as she walks in carrying a handful of moving boxes making my heart drop into my stomach.

"Thanks Pangers" he replies smiling, using Eric's nickname for their sister in law. She rolls her eyes playfully as she mutter your welcome and closes the door. I look between my boyfriend and the boxes confused.

"Babe are you going somewhere?" I ask as I watch him hit submit on his paper before turning his attention to me.

"Um" he stutters nervously. "Kinda" he adds making me grow more and more nervous. "Don't worry" he assures me as he climbs onto the bed next to me. "I'm not going far" he adds sweetly as he caresses my cheek. "I'll explain everything in a couple weeks" he adds as his thumb moves over my cheek.

"Promise?" I ask worriedly as I bite my lip in nervousness.

"Promise" he replies as he leans in to press his lips against mine. Unlike the last time we made out, this time it's him who deepens the kiss and before I know it I'm being knocked on my back as he positions himself on top of me. I moan against his lips softly, my one hand looping around his neck, pulling him closer as the other hooked around his belt loop pulling his hips down to mine. I feel his hand slipping under my shirt, his fingertips cool against my bare skin making me shiver at his touch. I bite his lip holding back my sigh as his hand slips under my bra but before things can go any further my phone dings in my pocket.

"Sorry" I apologize as I push him off of me. I grab my phone from my back pocket and read the screen noticing a text from my mom. "My mom wants me home" I sigh as I push back my hair, letting my fingers linger in my long blonde locks.

"I can drive you" Josh says as he climbs off the bed, slipping on a pair of Nikes.

"Thanks" I smile as I climb off his bed, slipping my Uggs on my feet and grabbing my jacket from his chair.

"You okay?" he questions before opening his door.

"Yea" I sigh. "It's just a little frustrating" I admit making him laugh as he kisses my cheek.

"I know Hunter, but it'll be worth the wait" he assures me as he opens the door motioning for me to file out.

"It better be" I smirk making him roll his eyes playfully as we wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me out of the loft.

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