27. Waiting...

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Hey guys! Happy Friday! Hope you all had a great week. This chapter is a little late because I had really bad writer's block and I was enjoying finally being able to relax for a few days. But I finally finished it and here it is. Hope you all enjoy it!

"Come on Zay" I beg as I'm sitting on my bed the following night paining my nails.

"Maya, Vanessa and I just started going out and you want me to invite her to spend the summer alone with me and my friends" Zay says and I can hear the judgment over the phone. He thinks I'm crazy and I really don't blame him but I couldn't imagine going away for a week with all my friends without him.

"Zay by the time summer rolls around you'll have been going out for like four or five months. Come on Zay we can't have a friends trip without you."

"Look you know I love you but I'm not coming" Zay says seriously making me sigh deeply.

"Fine" I give but as soon as the word leaves my mouth there's silence on the line.

"Maya don't be like that."

"Like what? Just forget it Zay" I say before hanging up and putting my phone next to me. Not three seconds later my phone's screen lights up displaying Zay's name. "What?" I ask irritated as I answer the phone.

"I'll ask her okay" Zay says causing a smile to pull at my lips.

"Thank you Zay. And if she says no I'll drop it but I have a feeling she's going to say yes. I've seen the way she looks at you" I say as I finish my nails laying down on my stomach and putting my feet in the air to let them dry.

"The same way you look at Matthews" Zay teases making me blush.

"I really love him Zay" I confess quietly afraid to admit this out loud to Zay.

"I know you do Maya. I'm glad you found someone, even if that someone isn't me."

"Thank you. And I'm glad you found Vanessa. The two of you are perfect together."

"Thanks Maya speaking of Vanessa we have a date so I gotta go. I'll text you later."

"Sounds good. Love you."

"Love you too Honey Nugget" Zay responds as we both hang up. Zay down Farkle and Smackle to go.


"We are never going to convince Smackle and Farkle to come to Texas" Josh says as we sit on his bed in his dorm room the following Friday.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I ask annoyed with his constant negativity.

"Because Stuart is never going to let Farkle go" Josh says seriously. "Hell I'm surprised your parents are letting you come seeing as though your boyfriend is going." I avert my eyes away from his trying to hide my face knowing that one look at me and I'm busted.

"Maya no" Josh says and I realize I already am.

"They never asked for a head count" I say defensively.

"They have no clue that I'm coming. What about the fact that there are no adults there except me and Papi Joe who from what I understand is staying in the cabin like an acre away." Josh says getting worked up.

"Calm down it's not that big of a deal."

"It's a huge deal Maya" Josh sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"It's not like we're gonna do anything anyway" I say trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"I know that but I guarantee you your parents will be pissed. Especially if they find out just how much I've already seen under the clothes you're wearing" he says sounding stressed.

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