29. Welcome to Texas

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Sorry I took so long to update. Life has been busy and I have no wifi at home. Thanks for the patience and I hope you enjoy the double update!


We reach the airport with ten minutes to spare. It takes a few minutes to reach our terminal but once we do I see Riley and Lucas standing by the check-in desk.

"Ten minutes early. I'm shocked." Riley says looking at me and Josh.

"Yea well, you can't get much accomplished in ten minutes so we figured we should just be a little early." I tease looking at Riley earning a laugh from my boyfriend.

"Ladies, Lucas, Boing." I hear Farkle say as he, Smackle, Zay, and Vanessa join us at the terminal.

"Farkle" Riley and I answer. The three of us start to laugh remembering when this exchange was a daily occurrence.

"Hey, I want to be part of the triangle" Smackle says.

"Who needs a triangle when I have you" Farkle says putting his arm around Smackle.

"Hey" Riley and I say simultaneously.

"Hey" Josh and Lucas add.

"I'm so glad we're normal" Zay says looking at Vanessa. Vanessa smiles and laughs. "By the way are we actually going to get on the plane or?" Zay trails off confused. We all laugh and start to board the plane. We're all coupled off in our seats so I take my seat next to the window as Josh sits beside me.

"Who said you get the window?" Josh asks me jokingly.

"I did. The aisle is your punishment for distracting me" I say.

"I thought we decided you were the one responsible for that" he says pretending to get defensive.

"No, you did. I just made you think I agreed with you so that I could get the window."

"Very sneaky Hunter" he says shaking his finger at me. I laugh leaning up to kiss him as the stewardess comes on the intercom.

"Next stop Austin, Texas."


We're two hours into the flight when the movie Josh and I were watching ends. Since we left late it's already midnight and almost everyone is asleep.

"You excited?" Josh asks as he lies back intertwining our fingers.

"Of course I am" I smile softly. "A whole week with you and our friends. It's going to be amazing."

"You're amazing" Josh says sweetly making my blush. His perfectness was only making it harder to resist him.

"Stop being perfect" I laugh as I smile at him.

"I'm not perfect Maya. You know that" he says playing with our fingers absentmindedly.

"Not quite sure that's true but I do know that I'm really glad you agreed to go on this trip with me."

"Of course gorgeous. Can't let some random cowboy make a move on you while I'm not around" he jokes making me hit him lightly.

"Trust me babe. Cowboys are so not my type" I tease.

"That's not what Huckleberry tells me" he teases back making my jaw drop.

"Joshua Matthews" I whisper yell careful not to disturb any of the sleeping passengers.

"I'm kidding" he laughs defensively. "I know I'm your one and only" he says sweetly as he leans in to kiss me but I end up yawning before our lips touch.

"Sorry I'm a little tired" I laugh.

"Let's get some sleep gorgeous" he says as he touches his lips to mine briefly before leaning back his chair and lying down.

"Goodnight Josh" I smile as I snuggle into my seat getting comfortable.

"Goodnight Maya" he says and that's the last thing I hear before our plane lands.


We land in Texas at some obscene time in the morning so we're all exhausted when we reach Lucas' ranch. I look around the room with memories flooding my head of when we all came here in eighth grade. I look around the room at all of my friends and I can't believe how much has changed since then. Farkle doesn't say ladies anymore, only having eyes for Smackle. Zay is dating Vanessa, Lucas and Riley are a literal married couple only missing the actual legal document confirming it, and I'm with Josh. High school is almost over and we were growing up.

"You okay Peaches?" Riley asks worriedly as she walks up next to me.

"Yea, just having a moment" I say looking up at her. Even after all of these years Riley is still here. Through all of the ups and downs she's always been there. I smile. "Thanks for always being here Riles."

"Always" she says holding up her hand containing the friendship ring that matched the one she got me for my fourteenth birthday. "Thunder"

"Lightning" I say reaching up to grab her hand. We look at each other for a minute before pulling each other in for a hug. I pull away wiping the tears that I didn't know were falling. "Alright enough with this mushy stuff. I gotta get some sleep. Goodnight Riles."

"Goodnight Peaches" she says before pulling me in for another hug. We break apart and I start to walk down the hallway. I reach the room that I'm sharing with Josh for the week and open the door laughing quietly as I look at Josh laying on the bed fast asleep already. I walk over to my bag that Josh brought in and pull out an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants walking into the in-suite bathroom to change. When I walk back into the bedroom I throw my hair up in a messy bun and climb into the bed next to Josh. I wrap my arms around his bare torso accidently waking him up.

"Bout time you got here Hunter" he says sleepily.

"Sorry, I was talking to Riley" I say as he turns around to face me.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're here now" he whispers sweetly before leaning in for a goodnight kiss. I turn over so I'm no longer facing him snuggling up against him as his arms wrap around my waist. "Goodnight Maya" he whispers as he kisses my neck gently before relaxing against me.

"Goodnight Josh" I say before falling fast asleep in his arms.

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