48. Crazy for Josh

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Christmas break is great until it ends and you have to go back to reality. My alarm blares loudly from beside me making me moan in annoyance as I reach over to shut it off. Whoever said class has to start at eight in the morning must've been crazy.

I climb out of bed, walking over to my closet, picking out a white cami and my favorite light blue sweatshirt. I grab a pair of yoga pants and head into the bathroom to get dressed. I scroll through my socials aimlessly as I get ready, brushing my teeth and my hair before applying a light layer of makeup on my face. I slip into my outfit, about to head downstairs when my phone vibrates in my hand, a smile spreading on my face as I read the caller ID.

"Hey" I smile brightly as I answer my phone, taking a seat on my bed.

"Just calling to make sure you didn't sleep through your alarm" he says sweetly.

"No I'm up sadly" I sigh as I pick at my nail polish that was left behind from Christmas. "I don't want to go back. Can't I just skip till the end of the year and go pick up my diploma in June?" I ask as Josh laughs.

"Yea I'm pretty sure that's not how it works gorgeous" he replies. "You're almost done, hang in there" he says sweetly as I hear a knock on my door.

"I should go. I'll talk to you later."

"Love you" he says quickly making my heart swell as I go over to my door.

"Love you too" I reply before hanging up my phone, throwing the door open, finding my mom on the other side.

"I thought you overslept" she exclaims.

"Nope, just talking to Josh. Is breakfast ready?"

"Pancakes just the way you like them" she smiles as my stomach grumbles.

"Yay" I exclaim as I rush past her, heading into the kitchen.


"Huckleberry" I exclaim when I see Lucas standing beside my locker, no doubt waiting for Riley whose locker was on the other side of mine.

"You aren't Riley" Lucas sighs making me mock offense as I place my hand on my chest as I gasp.

"Well hello to you too" I exclaim making him chuckle.

"I'm kidding. How was your break?" he asks as he pulls me in for a hug.

"It was perfect. Josh even asked me to prom on my birthday" I smile as I open my locker, realizing I don't remember what class I have first. "What class do we have?"

"History" Lucas laughs as Riley walks up to us.

"Lucas" she exclaims as she jumps into her boyfriend's arms.

"I missed you princess" he sighs as he holds her close, making my heart twist in jealousy that Riley got to see her boyfriend every day at school whereas I was forced to wait until Friday.

"I'll meet you guys in class" I sigh as I head off towards Mr. Matthews class. Of course I'm shocked when I walk in to find my boyfriend leaning against the desk. "Um" I stutter in shock as I look at him and the empty classroom.

"I'm here to talk about NYU today" he smiles as he motions for me to shut the door. "You look comfy" he adds as he looks at my outfit. "I thought that sweatshirt was at my place."

"I brought it home last weekend" I laugh as I put my stuff down before walking over to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I ask in confusion as he catches my waist, pulling me against him.

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