9. Game Night

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It's finally almost five o'clock so Riley and I are in full party prep mode. I'm already dressed and ready for the festivities but Riley was still getting ready, taking a shower while I'm in the kitchen.

I'm pouring popcorn into a bowl when Josh walks into the living room taking a seat on the couch. I look over at him confused as he turns on the television getting comfortable. "Matthews what are you doing?"

He looks at me matching the confused look on my face when he responds, "watching TV."

"I know what you're doing! Why are you doing it?" I exclaim.

"Well, it's a Tuesday night and all of my friends are back in Philly so I thought I would enjoy some television instead of looking at my bedroom walls."

"What happened to the thing at NYU you had planned it says on the calendar right here" I say as I point at the calendar on the fridge, "that you have plans tonight."

"Oh, yea. That was cancelled yesterday, not enough people signed up" he states nonchalantly as he turns his attention back to the TV.

"Well that shouldn't stop you from having fun. Go out make some friends, you are going to be living here in a few months." I insist trying to convince him to leave the loft.

"Maya is there a reason you want me out of the house so badly?" And then as if on cue the speaker box chimes in and Lucas' voice fills the room, "Buzz us up."


"Wait a minute" Josh says piecing things together. "The snacks, the drinks, your dress, the friends. You're throwing a party" Josh announces proud that he's put the puzzle together.

"Maybe." I reply not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right.

Suddenly Riley walks into the living room confused, probably wondering why her uncle isn't at NYU, when the door opens. Everyone piles in and takes their seats on the couch walking right past Josh except for Lucas and Zay.

"Hey, it's the famous Uncle Josh. Nice to see you again" Zay says and my heart lurches knowing that Zay would be anything but friendly to Josh if he knew how I felt about him. I try to shake this feeling off as Zay walks up to me kissing me briefly before going to join the rest of our friends.

"Hey Josh, what are you doing here?" Lucas asks while giving Josh a bro hug.

"My schedule cleared up. I think I might stay here for game night. If that's okay" he says looking directly at me as if challenging me to say no but as much as I want to I know I can't. If I make Josh leave Zay will think there's something going on.

"Of course it's alright if you stay for game night Josh."

"Thanks Hunter. Let the games begin."


"So what game will we be participating in this evening?" Smackle asks as I take a seat next to my boyfriend. She and Farkle are sitting on the floor at the end of the table closest to the front door while Riley, Lucas, Zay, and I are sitting in the middle section, with Josh on the side closest to the kitchen. We all look at each other for a few moments before I make a suggestion.

"What about truth or dare?" Everyone nods their head in agreement but of course there's one objection.

"Come on guys, why don't you live a little. Play something with some risk involved" Josh says challenging me yet again.

"Truth or dare has risk involved" I spit back at Josh without missing a beat.

"Yea, but spin the bottle has way more." We all look at each other worriedly. Josh realizes our hesitation and continues, "come on you guys it'll be fun and plus it's just a game" he says smirking at me as everyone starts nodding in agreement. This was not going to end well.

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