22. Talking It Out

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It's the night before Valentine's Day and I finally start to go insane. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I can't focus on anything except Josh. I had texted him the time for the party and he had texted back "k." Riley had to have told him I lied to him, or maybe he told her. Either way everyone knew and I couldn't take it anymore, I had to tell Josh. I grab his present off my nightstand and I grab my coat off the rack when I reach the living room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shawn asks from his position on the couch.

"I'm going to Riley's" I lie hoping that he was going to believe me.

"Okay, but be home before midnight" my dad says.

"I will. Bye dad. Love you" I shout as I close the door behind me heading for NYU. It's a chilly and long walk and subway ride but I finally reach Josh's dorm. I knock lightly and hope that he opens the door and that when he does he doesn't slam it in my face. The door opens and I'm face to face with Josh.

"Maya? What the hell are you doing here?" Josh asks sounding both annoyed and confused.

"Let me in. I'm still technically your girlfriend" I say pushing past him. I turn around to face him as he closes the door behind me. "I lied to you."

Josh crosses his arms across his chest looking at me expectantly. "Yea I know. Next time you're with Zay you should probably just say that instead of saying you're with Farkle, when he's in California."

I suddenly feel like an even bigger idiot. How had I forgotten that Farkle was out of town? I was the reason this was spiraling out of control. "Do you think I'm cheating on you?"

"Honest answer?" Josh asks and I nod. "Yea I do." He says and my heart breaks as tears form in my eyes. I fall onto the bed and put my head in my hands.

"I'm not." I whisper.

"What?" he asks shocked.

"I didn't want to tell you I was with Zay because. Because Josh it's weird. I don't want to make it seem like something was going on, especially since I stood you up to spend time with him. But it wasn't like that. I had made plans to go present shopping for you with Zay like five seconds before you texted me."

"Maya I know you're friends with Zay. I don't care. What I care about is you lying."

"Okay so if I would've told you I was hanging out with Zay and couldn't tell you why, you wouldn't be suspicious?" I ask expectantly earning silence from him.

"Okay point taken." Josh says giving in. "But you're not cheating on me?" he asks worriedly.

"No. Josh I love you. No games. I love you and I want to be with you. If you still want to be with me." I say as I stand up. I watch as his face softens as he comes closer to me.

"I should've told you I knew you lied but you really shouldn't have. I know why you did but I don't want anything like this to happen again. I love you so much Maya." Josh says moving a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I love you too" I say reaching up to kiss him. I had no idea how much I missed him this past week. As we pull apart we rest our foreheads against each other's. "What did you think was happening? I mean apart from the cheating."

"I thought it was all a lie Maya. I thought you had played me. I thought you were finally getting your three years payback."

"I would never Josh. I love you, this is as real as it gets."

"I love you too" he says kissing me briefly. "What time do you have to be home?" Josh asks flirtatiously as he pulls away.

"Midnight. What time is it?" I ask looking for a clock.

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